It Was Natasha

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"I've had enough of your nonsense!" I shouted, my heart racing at his vile words directed towards Kabir.

"Come on now, calm down, shortcake," he replied, looking at me with boredom. "I know I can be overwhelming, but look at how well Kabir deals with me. Why can't you be more like him?"

"I'd rather be true to myself than mimic someone else," I retorted firmly.

He smirked, his tone dripping with condescension. "A bit too proud, aren't you? What's with this inflated ego? Who even are you? Those two," he pointed at Kabir and Raghav, "are well-known and respected. It's understandable for them to carry themselves with pride. But you, just a random person in the crowd."

I clenched my fist, meeting his gaze fiercely. "That's where you're wrong. What I have is self-respect and dignity, not pride. And even if I'm not in the spotlight, I can still value myself. I prefer blending in because it's those who stand out that often face the most challenges."

His gaze shifted from me, his fingers nervously tapping on his glasses. "You're talking about Sana, aren't you?" he remarked with a sickly smirk. "There's so much more to her story that you don't know. She's been entangled with the underground for longer than you can imagine."

Kabir's expression tightened, his eyes probing Aditya's for any signs of deception. Finding none, he demanded, "Explain yourself."

"Ah, gladly," Aditya replied with a chilling smile as he adjusted his glasses. "The innocent girl abandoned by her own family. Have you ever wondered how she navigated this brutal world without crumbling? Of course not, because you're blind to the deeper truths."

"Tell us what happened to her during that time," Kabir pressed, his voice edged with urgency.

Aditya's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with a manic fervor. "Welllll," he drawled out theatrically, relishing the suspense. "Imagine a young girl wandering the streets, lost and vulnerable. And then, like a twisted fairy tale, a man appears. He takes her under his wing, molds her, shapes her into the woman she is today. Behind this woman's success is a man, indeed. But not just any man—no, a puppet master, pulling the strings from the shadows."

"Who?" I demanded, my voice tinged with both curiosity and apprehension.

Aditya's eyes glinted with an intensity as he tilted his head, relishing the tension he was creating. "A well-known figure in the underworld," he replied deliberately, savoring each syllable. "Despite his criminal reputation, he had a soft spot for the girl he rescued from the streets. He nurtured her, provided for her, and educated her in the ways of their world. Yet, her thirst for freedom threatened their fragile bond. The guardian couldn't bear the thought of his prized possession slipping away." His smile took on a sinister edge, hinting at a deeper, more ominous connection between Sana and this enigmatic underworld figure.

"He had her confined," Raghav accused.

"Not confined, safeguarded," He countered, his tone cold and calculating. "It was for her own well-being, you see. The man cared deeply for his precious canary, but she didn't appreciate it. Instead of embracing her newfound power within the underworld, she chose to pursue reconciliation with those who had abandoned her. She held the heart of an underworld titan, but she shattered it. And now, she's paying the price," he concluded, clicking his tongue dispassionately.

"So, the man is after her," I remarked, trying to piece together the situation.

"The man couldn't bear to lose his prized possession," He explained with a dark smirk, his eyes glinting ominously. "But here's the twist, my shortcake." He paused for effect before continuing, "The man met his demise, unable to prevent his best creation from slipping away. Now, it's his offspring who seeks vengeance, fueled by their father's torment and misery."

"Fuck," I muttered, feeling the darkness of the situation closing in with each revelation.

Kabir's concern reflected in his touch on my shoulder, and I assured him with a nod. He withdrew his hand, his eyes now filled with determination.

"Where can I find him?" Kabir inquired firmly.

But Aditya's smirk grew wider, a sinister glint in his eyes. "Who said anything about a 'him'? The true threat is a woman, the sole heir seeking vengeance against your sister. Find her, protect your sister, and your mission is accomplished. Simple, isn't it?"

"Simple for you, maybe," I muttered. "How do you have so much information about everyone?"

He smiled softly, tilting his head back against the table. "I told ya, I'm a businessman, dealing in truths and lies, trading words like currency. In the underworld, I'm just a middleman, a messenger bird on two feet. Tomorrow, I could be erased from existence, but who really cares about that?" He paused, reflecting. "It was Sana's luck that led her to me. I've been a sort of guardian for her, you know."

"Guardian, yeah right," I retorted sarcastically.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Well, I sure don't see you doing anything for her, so isn't it better that you zip your little mouth up, shortcake? One bullet out, and you're gone forever, while I, I've been dodging bullets left and right, above my head and beneath my feet, and yet I'm still alive. We're not the same."

"Aryan, shut it!" Kabir's voice sliced through the tension, his eyes piercing Aditya's soul. "You know damn well who this woman is!"

Aditya's grin widened, his fingers tracing the blood on his lips like it was some macabre lipstick. "Oh, I know more than you think. But if I share, what's in it for me?"

"Anything," Kabir replied tersely, his patience wearing thin.

"A kiss, right here," Aditya pointed to his blood-stained lips, a manic glint in his eyes. "You see, you're the reason for this blood. So why not be the one to lick it clean? Pain and pleasure, poison and ambrosia — all in one kiss. Isn't that thrilling?"

I started to protest, but my words died in my throat when I saw Kabir kneel down before Aditya. Their lips met in a fiery kiss, Aditya's hands tangled in Kabir's hair.

Tears unexpectedly welled up in my eyes, a mixture of confusion, jealousy, and betrayal swirling inside me. I never expected to feel this way, torn between anger and hurt as I watched them. It was like my heart was being torn apart in a way I couldn't comprehend.

When Kabir abruptly pulled away and wiped his lips, standing up with a determined look, Aditya looked shocked, as if he hadn't expected Kabir to break the kiss.

"Let me paint you a picture," Aditya began, his voice carrying a sinister undertone. "Imagine a woman of grace and charm, someone who seamlessly blends into any social setting. She's the kind who can smile sweetly while holding a dagger behind her back."

Kabir's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing as he listened intently.

"Now, this woman," Aditya continued, "she's clever, cunning even. She knows how to manipulate situations, how to play people like puppets on strings. She's the master of deception, an artist at crafting illusions of friendship and loyalty."

Kabir's jaw clenched, his fists tightening involuntarily. "Who is she?" he demanded, his voice barely concealing his urgency.

Aditya's smirk widened, his eyes gleaming with a twisted delight. "Ah, that's the crux of it all, isn't it? She's the last person you'd suspect, yet she's been there all along, a silent observer in Sana's shadow. But what makes her truly dangerous is her obsession, her desire to emulate Sana's every move, to walk in her footsteps and take her place."

As Aditya spoke, my phone buzzed with an incoming call. I quickly retrieved it from my pocket to check the caller ID. It was Natasha.


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