Love Has Found Me

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"Quit the yelling, man! What are you on?" A high-pitched shout pierced through the air, courtesy of one of the crew members.

"Uh, sorry about that," I replied sheepishly, feeling a tad embarrassed.

The annoyed man grumbled, "Quit standing around like a fool. Get some water bottles for the cast."

"Sure thing," I replied, scurrying off to locate the catering area. My eyes scanned the surroundings until they locked onto a transparent refrigerator stacked with neatly organized packaged drinks. Moving deliberately, I approached the refrigerator, handling its intricately carved glass door with care to avoid any mishaps.

Retrieving a couple of water bottles, I cradled them in my arms like precious cargo. Returning swiftly, I reached the couch where the cast members were seated, accompanied, as always, by the ever-present Sana.

"Water, anyone?" I offered, aware of their piercing gazes upon me.

One of the men arched his eyebrows before commenting, "Newbie, huh?"

I nodded in acknowledgment.

"Figures," he muttered condescendingly, nonchalantly tracing his fingers along his well-defined jawline. The atmosphere retained an air of superiority, leaving me as the outsider in their world.

"What's the matter, sir?" I inquired, feeling uneasy about his snarky remark.

He smirked darkly, his boyish charm evident in his expression. "Well, no one I know around here casually disrespects the cast members with a question as informal as yours. 'Water anyone?' Seriously? Are we suddenly your close pals?"

I stood there in silence, head hung low, gazing at the clear bottles cradled in my arms.

"Let the boy go, Vishal," Sana spoke softly, rising from her seat and taking the bottles from my hands before resuming her place.

"Thanks for spoiling the fun, Sana," the guy remarked sarcastically.

"Always," she muttered, returning to her phone. Soon, the tension dissipated, and I made a quick exit.

Stepping a few meters away, I let out a sigh of relief. Well, coding in a cubicle didn't exactly prepare me for this glamorous water-and-towels distribution gig. It's like expecting a penguin to tap dance when all it knows is the moonwalk.

Leaning against the wall, surrounded by crew members and their gear, my mind wandered. I reflected on the fact that relying on Sana to bail me out won't always be an option. I should have stood up for myself back there.

"Mr. Oberoi was right," I sighed, realizing it's time to face the consequences of my actions like a grown-up, rather than waiting for a savior like some misplaced prince.

Out of the blue, A female crew member with vibrant, curly auburn hair approached, her nervous fingers fiddling with loose strands that framed her face. As she bit her lips, she asked, "Hey, um, you're the new guy here, right?"

"Yeah, Aryan Singh," I confirmed.

She nodded shyly, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "Myself Natasha. So, are you, by any chance, seeing anyone right now?"

My eyes widened in surprise at her direct question. "W-What?"

She simplified, "Are you single?"

I nervously rubbed the back of my head, unsure of how to respond but mustered the courage to reply, "Well, I am. Yes."

With that admission, Natasha's eyes lit up with a mix of relief and excitement. She took a moment to gather herself before continuing.

"So, like, I happened to see you talking to Mr. Das and kind of thought you looked cute," she confessed, her fingers fidgeting nervously. "I was wondering if you would be interested in going for a coffee someday?"

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