Getting Acquainted with

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I woke up to the gentle morning light seeping through the room, my eyes adjusting slowly until Kabir's surroundings came into clear focus. What immediately caught my attention was an oil painting of me adorning one of his walls.

"Wow," I whispered to myself, surprised and touched.

Turning to Kabir, who slept peacefully beside me, I couldn't help but smile at his calm face. His hair fell gently on his forehead, and he looked so serene. Plus, no snoring – total husband material.

Glancing at the monitors connected to me, I realized that I was feeling much better now. The beeping of the machines seemed unnecessary, so I carefully removed the needles, knowing that it was just a minor setback. Slowly getting out of bed, I made my way out of the room, my mind set on finding the kitchen.

As I entered the room, I spotted two familiar faces lounging on the sofa, engrossed in the TV. They turned to me as they heard my footsteps.

"Good morning, Aryan," greeted Siraj with a cheerful tone, while Yashasvi offered a nod of acknowledgment.

Before I could say anything, Siraj jumped in, cutting me off with his chirpy demeanor.

"Come, sit down," Siraj urged me, gesturing to the sofa. "You've just been discharged from the hospital; it's not good to stand for too long. If Kabir finds out you're up and about, he'll worry himself sick."

I glanced at Yashasvi, who nodded in confirmation. "We're roommates here," he explained simply.

"Let's call it a dormitory of sorts," Siraj grinned, breaking the tension. "This isn't his private palace, and I'm glad I didn't hear anything last night. I was hoping for some peace."

"Right," I said cautiously. "What exactly are you getting at?"

Siraj's grin widened mischievously. "The sounds of you and Kabir being intimate, of course," he replied, earning a playful smack on the head from Yashasvi.

"That's not how you talk about someone's partner," Yashasvi chided.

Surprised, I asked, "You both know about us?"

Siraj shrugged nonchalantly. "Of course, we do. The whole team knows. Who do you think was giving Kabir all those romantic tips?"

I pressed my lips together, processing the revelation. "So, Kabir told you all?"

Yashasvi nodded, "After some serious prodding. He really wanted to keep it under wraps, but we managed to get it out of him eventually."

Siraj interjected with a playful nudge, "And Yashasvi here was one of the chief instigators, trying to act all innocent now."

"That's not true!" Yashasvi protested, but a hint of amusement played in his eyes.

I gazed at him gratefully. "Thanks for supporting Kabir during the interview yesterday, Yashasvi. It meant a lot to him."

"That's what friends do," he replied casually, though I could see a hint of satisfaction in his demeanor. "But since you're being so appreciative, I'll gladly accept the gratitude, Aryan."

Siraj chimed in with a teasing tone, "Don't let Yashasvi fool you. He's usually not this serious. He's just pretending to be all mature. In reality, he's as chaotic and wild as the rest of the Indian cricket team, except for Kabir, who's practically a saint."

"How's Kabir treating you? Everything good?" Yashasvi's tone turned serious.

I was taken aback. "What do you mean? He's treating me just fine. There's nothing you guys need to teach him. He's perfect the way he is. I wouldn't want him to change for me; that wouldn't be fair or right. He should always be true to himself."

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