Chapter 5- I Hate Schwartz

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"Maybe that's what love is. Having someone who guides you through different experiences, coaxes you to try new things but still make you feel safe." -Wally Lamb

Jonathan's P.O.V

The game was boring. We killed the Blues, much to Natalie's dismay. Now I was sat at home watching replays of the game. Well, I was actually watching outside. It was almost 10:30 and Natalie still wasn't home. I trusted her enough already to know she wouldn't do anything stupid with him. Maybe she was just staying at the hotel with them?

Nearly a half an hour later, her car finally pulled into Barb's driveway. Jaden and Nat got out, stumbling over their own feet. He fell to the ground, nearly taking out a lawn gnome. Nat erupted into a heap of giggles and pulled him up. Together, they walked to the front door where they talked for way too long. I nearly turned away until I saw Jaden lean in slightly towards her.

Within milliseconds their lips were morphed together. Not a date my ass. I threw closed my curtains, running my fingers through my hair.  I wasn't to scream and punch something. Punch Jaden. What the hell was wrong with me? I didn't even like this girl, but she was already driving me crazy. Maybe I just needed sleep.


Sleep didn't help. I was tossing and turning continuously the whole night. I don't know why it made me so mad to see them. She just looked so good. Her hair was curled and I swear I could see her blue eyes from here. And that dress she was wearing, holy shit. It was black and white stripes that clung to her curves in such a beautiful way. I didn't even know it was possible for someone as fit as her to have such a great figure.

I rolled out of bed, boiling some water for tea. Barb's pancakes also sounded amazing, but there was no way I could face Natalie right now. Not after last night. She straight up lied to me when she said it wasn't a date. The tea burned my throat, but I didn't even care.

Peaks: Wake up man! Barb's got chocolate chip pancakes :DD

As if on cue, my stomach erupted into a whirl of sounds. Clearly I was hungry. I braced myself, knocking on the door I had grown used to being at. It swung open, revealing the last person I wanted it to. Natalie stood there wearing leggings that made her look way too good and a BC t-shirt. Her hair was piled onto her head and her face held no makeup. Yet, she looked amazing.

I shot her a glare, attempting to pass through her to get to the kitchen. She stood her ground, glaring back. She shoved me outside and closed the door behind her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I saw you and Jaden last night. Not a date, my ass. Plus what were you thinking? You could've fucking died driving drunk in the city." I opened the door, letting her stand in silence, and found Peaks and Barb. They were sat around her massive table as I took a seat next to Patty. Barb handed me a stack of flapjacks and I ate them quickly. Natalie didn't return so I guess I was leaving without talking to her. However, as I left the old lady's house, Natalie was waiting.

"It wasn't a date Jonny. So what we kissed, everyone kisses their friends from time to time."

"Yeah not me though. I don't kiss friends."

"Are we friends?" She asked. What the fuck?

"Yeah I guess. Why?"

"Well I guess we have to break that rule then." She whispered, grabbing my neck and pulling me down towards her. Our lips brushed passed each other before I grabbed her and pulled her closer. I wanted to know everything about this girl. What sports did she play? What were her friends names? Did she like country or pop? I needed to know so desperately.

"What are you thinking about?" She breathed out, resting her forehead against mine. Up close her eyes were even more vibrant, her lips more kissable. She was all kinds of pretty.


"Oh really?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, like I don't know anything about you."

"Well ask away." She sat down and gestured for me to join her. I asked her my list of questions and she smiled when I finished.

"Well I played soccer and backyard hockey. My best friends are Laila, Elizabeth and probably Vlads and TJ. And country of course."

"Wise choices, Plager. Did you know Osh and I were buddies in Junior?"

"Yeah he talks a lot of shit about you."

"Wait, really?"

"No you idiot." She laughed. "Osh loves you."

"You're an ass." I punched her lightly, careful not to hurt her. She seemed to notice my caution and it clearly wasn't sitting well with her.

"You know I grew up with a family of hockey players. I can take a punch, I've got a brother."

"I'm not just gonna punch you like I punch Patrick." Speak of the devil, Peaks exited Barb's house with a goofy grin plastered onto his face. Typical Patrick.

"Hey guys. Jonny you ready to go practice?" Pat was defiantly coming back for playoffs, but Q wasn't sure he wanted him to practice until the season was over. Which meant we had to sneak around and practice.

"Yeah let's get going. Nat want to come?" She nodded, running into her house to presumably to grab hockey things. Patrick and I walked back to our place to collect our keys since our gear was already at the UC. Nat was at our front door by the time we were ready. We all piled into Pat's SUV and drove fairly quickly to the UC. We had to be there before 11:30 or else our practice was going to be way too late. I glanced at the clock as we were running in. 11:31. Close enough. Pat and I changed into our gear while Nat attempted to find some her size. It was gonna be rough since our smallest player was still 5'10"ish.

Natalie came back a few minutes later after Patty and I were fully geared up. She'd found pads and even someone's jersey. Saader's by the looks of it. Her blonde hair was in a low ponytail, possibly just to be able to fit under her helmet. She looked adorable in all that hockey gear, but my sweater would've made it better.

"Where's you get Saad's jersey?"

"Him and Teuvo are here. They want a scrimmage." Huh, maybe we could make this fun. Natalie vs. Me during hockey, ooh yeah.

"Are the Blues still in town?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Call up Oshie, Vladimir, Elliot and Schwartz. I'll call Crow. We've got a scrimmage in the works." She smiled a wicked grin.

Ooh it was so on.

It's been a rough week guys. The Saad and Oshie trades are going to be the death of me. I've got the worst luck ever when buying jerseys. The only 3 I've ever bought were Byfuglien, Saad and Oshie and they all got traded within a couple months. Maybe I'll buy a Gaudreau to get him off the Flames and onto a team I actually like oops. But yeah I'm watching the All-Star skills competition and I forgot how much I loved Elliot and Tarasenko. Maybe I can still be a Blues fan, plus Osh will be with the real love Ovi so I can't be too upset.

No Q/A bc this week has me questioning my life anyways.

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