Chapter 42- Bootiful

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"The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves" -William Penn

Natalie's P.O.V

"Happy Halloween." Jon said in his spookiest voice as I exited the shower. "You look bootiful"

I bursted out laughing, leaning into my cheesy boyfriend. We had to leave for a Halloween party at Patrick's in an hour and a half and we weren't even close to being ready. Jon was going as Danny while I was Sandy from Greese. It was super cliché, but both of our hair colors fit perfectly.

"Go get ready. You know your hair is gonna take forever." I chucked, making my way towards our closet. These (faux) leather pants were gonna take forever to get on. Plus I had to curl my hair still and put on a full face of makeup. There was no way I was getting done.

After struggling for 20 minutes, I was finally dressed. I was sporting Sandy's famous skin tight pants, black crop top and red pumps. My makeup was done. I'd done an aggressive cat-eye with red lip stick. My hair was also in loose curls.

Jon emerged from the bathroom, his hair gelled back, except for one piece that hung loose. He was wearing a plain white V-neck with a leather jacket, black jeans and converse.

"Damn babe, you look smoking." I shouted, harshly kissing him. He ruffled my hair and laughed at my sudden outburst. "But we've seriously got to go, Pats gonna kill us if we're late."
"Holy shit my best friend is so hot!" Chaunette screamed, hugging me tightly. I checked her out quickly, noticing how my usually reserved best friend looked smoking in her little Tinker Bell outfit.

"Andrew better watch out, I might take ya for myself." She giggled and handed me a fruity drink. As I was about to take my first sip, Patrick shouted my name. He scurried over to me, sighing when he finally got there. He was dressed like the Brawny paper towel man, and I couldn't help laughing at his adorable costume.

"Have you seen Jon? It's a code black." He whispered, as if other people would know what that meant.

"What's going on?" I asked, tapping Patrick so he would look at me instead of scanning the crowd.

"Someone showed up uninvited and I don't think Jon is gonna be too happy about it."

"Who?" I asked, getting nervous. Jon didn't hate many people, so if he didn't want someone here it was big.

"No one, okay?" Pat snapped. I gave him a weird look, taking a deep gulp of my drink. Although it tasted fruity, the alcohol still burned my throat. "Sorry, just go have fun. Teuvo and Rundblad have been looking for you for a beer pong rematch."

Pat practically ran away, leaving me alone in his kitchen. Panarin walked by on a mission, but I grabbed his arm. He whipped around, nearly slamming into me.

"Oh god, sorry. How are you?" He asked, letting himself calm down while a smile creeped onto his face. He looked completely adorable dressed as a pirate with Rundblad as the parrot.

"Frazzled, but good. Everyone is running around and honestly I haven't even had time to breathe yet." I sighed, taking another sip of my drink. I needed to loosen up and meet some new people. I was sick of having such a small group of friends.

"Jon's mental." We both chuckled. "You should go find him, he's been running around since you've gotten here."

I nodded, wandering around Patrick and Pan's new place. It's not like I've never been here before, but my visits have been brief and limited. Someone I ended up away from the party, the only sound coming from two hushed voices. I rounded the corner seeing Jon's figure harshly whispering to someone else.

Jon cursed, throwing a fist at the unsuspecting guest. I screamed, running towards my boyfriend, and pulling him off the already bruised at battered victim. Jon looked evil, his pupils dark and lifeless. I took a look at who he'd hit, all my the air leaving my body.

It was Beau.

He was bloody, clutching his ribs. Dark spots were already forming on his face while his left eye was already almost swollen shut. His costume was covering in blood, I couldn't tell where it was coming from. His nose was bleeding along with half of the rest of his body. I turned towards Jon, backing away when I realized he still wasn't calmed down.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I weakly asked. Jon took a step towards me, placing a single hand on my hip. He must've felt me shaking as he placed his other hand on my cheek, kissing me softly.

"No one is ever taking you from me, okay? Not this fucker, not Jordan, no one." He growled. I dragged him away and out of Pat's apartment, letting Andrew know that Beau was hurt on the way out. The drive home was silent as Jon played with one of my hands. I'd decided to drive due to the fact that I thought Jon would crash if he were behind the wheel.

"Why was Beau there?" Jon asked as soon as we entered our apartment.


"He said you invited him. Is that true?" Jon asked, looking up at me like a puppy. There were tears in his eyes. Jon never cried, and when he did it was over me. I know he didn't mean to, but it made me feel like complete shit.

"Oh god no, baby." I whispered, pulling him closer to me. He choked on a sob. "You know I'm done with him. We're not even friends anymore. But why'd you punch him?"

"He said you guys slept together while I was at practice." Jon cried out, wetting my black tee. I stroked his hair, reassuring him that it wasn't true. A few minutes later he recovered. "I'm just so sick of his bullshit and him trying to take you from me. I've never loved someone as much as I love you. You're my world and maybe we don't have the same interests all the time, but our souls are made the same."

"Did you just quote Wuthering Heights?" I chuckled, leaning into his side. He smiled down at me, kissing my forehead.

"Yeah, I read it on the plane. I know it's your favorite book and I wanted to understand why you love it so much."

"I love you Jonathan Toews, I really do."

"And I love you Natalie Plager."

This is arguably the shortest and worst chapter I've ever written so I apologize. I've been writing research papers everyday for the past 3 weeks so I kind of forgot how to write fiction.

Q: Who will win: Stars or Hawks

A:The Hawks like to choke so I'm going Stars

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