Chapter 29 -Kiddos

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"To be a successful father... There's one absolute rule: when you have a kid, don't look at it for the first two years." -Ernest Hemingway

Natalie's P.O.V

"Welcome back Ms. Plager." Kris smirked, leaning against the doorframe of my office. "How was Vegas?"

"Pretty shitty, Kristopher. Glad to be back in Chicago with you." I winked at him, offering him a seat. He accepted, stealing my coffee and taking a long sip. "Quit it! You make like 4 times what I do. Get your own damn coffee."

"Your boyfriend makes 10 times more than I make so I think you're okay." He grabbed my coffee, leaving my office as quick as he came. Cool, now I had to get more. I dialed Jons number, hoping he was free.

"How's the most beautiful girl in the world doing on this fine Friday?"

"I'm pretty good sir. Wanna get lunch? I'm craving some pancakes. Golden Nugget in 10?" He agreed and I hung up the phone. For the first time this summer, the weather was actually nice. I was wearing my favorite gray work dress and a pair of black heels. My hair was tied up in a ballerina bun, which was cooling me off significantly. Golden Nugget was a couple blocks always and I could easily walk there from the stadium. When I got there, Jon was already sitting in a booth chatting with a young boy.

"Hey babe, this is Nathan. He's my biggest fan." Jon winked, the little boys smile growing with each passing second. "Nathan this is my girlfriend, Natalie."

"She's really pretty." Nathan whispered into Jon's ear, just loud enough so I could hear. I thanked the young boy who's cheeks flared in color. Clearly he hadn't meant for me to hear.

"Woah there buddy, don't you go stealing her from me." He joked, poking Nathan's sides. We chatted with him for a few minutes until his mother called him back over for the meal. I could hear him whining from across restaurant. "We should invite him to eat with us."

"Yeah, I'll go ask his parents." I made my way across the restaurant to his table. His family was actually quite adorable. Him and his mom both shared each others dirty blonde hair and blue eyes while the father looked completely different. He had darker skin, hair and eyes yet they somehow all worked together. "If it's alright with you guys, we'd love to have Nate eat with us."

His mother seemed unsure, but Nate didn't even ask for permission. He grabbed his stack of pancakes and asked me to get his hot chocolate and hash browns. By the time I could gather his plates, he was seated next to Jon, looking up at him with such admiration. Jon was loving it, making stupid jokes that only someone Nate's age would laugh at. Or someone with the same brain capacity as the young boy, someone like Peaks.

"Nate here plays hockey too." Jon informed me. "Natalie is a beast on the ice. She might be better than me."

"Wow she's pretty and can play hockey. None of the girls at my school are that awesome." I blushed at the little boys words. He sure was a charmer. Jon rolled his eyes at me, sipping on his coffee. Jonny didn't even like coffee, but he sometimes drank it to seem more like an adult. I never did understand his theory.

"Nate do you like the Cubs?" He nodded like crazy. "Want to come meet a few players? Your mom and dad can come if you'd like."

"We've actually got to pick up his little sister. Ready to go?" His mother asked, resting a hand on his shoulder. Nate looked as if he was about to cry. In the past hour I felt like I'd bonded with the little goon. He was a charmer that was for sure, but he was also ridiculously funny.

"We could take him for a bit if you'd like. You could bring your daughter by after and they could play on the field for a bit. Here's my number." I offered, trying to save Nate's roller coaster of emotions from spiraling out of control.

"I guess that would be okay." She said wearily. "Nate be good we'll be back in less than an hour."

She kissed his cheek, waving goodbye to us. Jon and I grabbed both of Nate's hands, swinging them back and forth. We walked to Jon's SUV and I sat in the backseat with Nathan. We sung some Pop music that we both didn't like, but Nate loved. The Cubs were just finishing up practice when we got there.

"Kris, Anthony wait up!" I shouted at the only boys I knew wouldn't mind hanging around for a little extra time. Their heads shot towards me, both of them sporting the same confused look. "I've got a fan for you both to meet. Guys this is Nathan, Nathan I'm sure you know Kris Bryant and Anthony Rizzo."

"Hey buddy." Anthony smiled, crouching down so he was more Nate's height. "Do you play baseball?"

"Yeah! Baseball and hockey!" Nat smiled, grinning wide enough that you could see his two missing teeth. "You guys are legends on our team."

"We could play catch if you'd like?" Anthony offered and Nate happily agreed. Kris stayed by me while Jon ran around with the other two.

"Jonathan don't you dare get tired we have that dinner tonight." I scolded before turning my attention to Kris. He was giving me a very weird look.

"You and Jon just decide to pick up a random kid? You guys have only been together like 2 months isn't that a little quick?"

"We didn't adopt the bugger. He's Jon's fan so we told his parents we could play with him while they picked up his sister."

"Oh thank god. I was gonna have to call child services on you guys. We all know you won't be a good mother." He joked, winking at me before joining the other boys. I made my way towards the group, picking Nate up and spinning him around. He erupted in a fit of giggles and clinched onto me.

"We're back!" Nate's mother shouted, setting down a little blonde girl who instantly ran towards her brother. He hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head.

"How was school, Lila?" He asked. The girl couldn't have been older than 5. She giggled at her brother, not answering his question. When she saw Anthony, her face instantly lit up.

"Rizzo" She giggled, raising her arms so he would pick her up. He happily obliged and she giggled even louder.

"I'm sorry to ruin the fun, but Jon we have to get going to that banquet." I apologized hugging the kids goodbye. "Make sure you call me towards the end of the summer, I'll make sure we get your whole family tickets to the home opener."
I curled the last piece of my hair, finally happy with it. Tonight wasn't a huge deal. The banquet was pretty much just to talk about the convention and to get one last celebration in before all the traded players had to join their new teams. This was probably the last time I'd see Brandon for a while as well. He was set to head to Columbus this week while Jon and I were in Winnipeg.

I walked down Jon's long hallway, my pumps clicking on the hardwood floors. Jon was in the kitchen, looking at his phone. He didn't glance up until I stopped near the fridge to get us waters.

"Fuck Natalie, why are you wearing that." He groaned, shoving his phone in his pocket. I glanced down at my dress. Why didn't he like it? It was a pretty simple piece, a black dress that clung to my chest and flared slightly above my hips. It hit my mid thigh.

"I thought it was cute. Should I change?"

"I'm not sure, I'm facing a moral dilemma. On one hand, I want to rip this dress off you and take you on this kitchen table right now and on the other hand, I know every guy is going to be staring at you all night long."

"Well Mr. Toews, let them stare because you're all mine." I smiled, kissing my beautiful boyfriend. I pressed my body against his as I tangled my fingers through his hair. "Jesus Jonny, you already have a boner?"

"Natalie, you have no idea how ridiculously hot you look right now."

"Nah, I'm just gonna blame it on your inner hormonal teenage boy." I winked at him, grabbing my purse. "Now let's get going before we're late."

So sorry I haven't been updating, this week has been very stressful. It the end of the quarter so of course all my teachers are cramming in tests for us. Like no joke, I have 3 tomorrow, 1 Monday and another Tuesday. Wish me luck! And my cubbies are out :,(. Let's all pray for a Blue Jays comeback!!

Q: How long will the Canadien's win streak continue?

A:I feel like this could go on forever. They play the worst teams this week!

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