Chapter 31 -Winnipeg

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Natalie's P.O.V

"Welcome to Winnipeg." Jon whispered, kissing the back of my head as I looked out the plane's window. Thankfully we'd given Canada enough time to warm up, meaning I'd only needed to pack one sweater and a pair of jeans along with loads of dresses and shorts. "Now let's go. David is waiting."

He took my hand in his and pulled me through the airport. He grabbed our 3 suitcases, he'd brought an extra so he could bring home some summer clothes and anything we'd bought this week. I didn't expect to buy much since most of my money this summer was going to be spent on traveling to see my friends. Russia and I had even talked about me flying out there to meet his parents and brother, Valentin, who I'd heard about since Tarasenko joined the Blues.

"Jon, over here!" A boy shouted, who I instantly recognized as David. "Natalie nice to finally meet you."

"You too David." I smiled as he pulled me in for a hug. Even though I'd already met Jon's parents, I was most nervous to see them. David was always sweet whenever Jon and I FaceTimed him so meeting him was nice. We all piled into David's truck, which may I add only had front seats so I was practically on Jon's lap.

Jon's cabin was about an hour outside of the city, south enough that we were practically in Minnesota. We pulled up and my jaw dropped suddenly. The cabin was sat directly on a lake which giant Windows and dark wood floors.

"I hope you like to skate, Nat." David laughed, tossing me a pair of size 7 skates and a coat to cover my exposed arms.

"You think I would bring home someone that didn't?"Jon joked, causing David to laugh quietly to himself while I sat there confused. "We built a little icehouse so David and I could skate during the summer."

Jon helped me down the gravel road that ended with another wood building. This one was just as big as the house, but had smaller Windows and concrete floors and walls. There were two rinks, one of which was regulation. The other was much smaller, which I was informed was only used why younger realities came around. Off to the side was a small kitchen with just a fridge and microwave with cabinets stocked with hot coco, waters and granola bars.

Jon sat on the benches off to the side, tying his right skate before his left like he always did. He had a goofy grin on his face as he looked at me.

"Whatcha smiling about goofball?" I asked, nudging him and pulling him out onto the ice with me.

"I was just thinking about that Blues game you came to and I thought you were crazy for just walking in on them." He chucked to himself, skating laps around me. He placed one hand on my hip and the other to cup my face while he kissed me softly.

"I thought that was the funniest day ever. The look on your face was priceless." I joked, kissing him once more before skating towards David. "What's our plans for tonight?"

"Dinner at Jonny Boy's favorite restaurant with a couple of his friends. So it'll probably just end up being us tonight." David explained, skating with me while Jon did something on his phone.

"Jonny you ditching me already?" I joked, pulling my love closer to me.

"Nolan says you can come out if you want! You too David! I just didn't think you guys would want to since we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow." He mumbled, racing towards David who was stick handling off to the side. He pushed his brother lightly, causing the younger boy to fall. I laughed from the side.

"It's okay babe. You have fun with them. David and I can have a little date night." I joked, winking at David who wiggled his eyebrows back at me.

"Shall we get ready for dinner?" Jon asked, earning nods from both of us.


Jon joined me in the living room wearing a denim button up and black jeans, the same outfit from the night he'd asked me out. I had a feeling he was wearing it to make me more comfortable, but I honestly didn't need it. I was fine meeting friends and I was sure they were going to be nice. For months I'd heard about Nolan and Matt, his best friends from his childhood that he still hung out with whenever they were all free. Nolan was a beautiful man, with tan skin, deep brown eyes and light brown hair. He was a sports analyst for the CHL and lived in Winnipeg with his girlfriend, who he was aparently proposing to at some time this summer. Matt had shaggy hair, that fell over his eyes in dark brown curls. Matt worked for a sporting goods company and also had a girlfriend, but they were less serious.

"Hey, you look cute." Jon smiled, plopping down on the couch next to me. I glanced down at my simple outfit, maroon jeans paired with a black tank top. I raised an eyebrow at him, but he shook his head and begun to tie the laces of his shoes. David walked downstairs at the same time wearing jeans and a flannel. I smiled at him, pulling on my black Birkenstocks. We hopped into David's truck, I might as well get used to being in here since this is the only way Jon and I are getting around this week.

We pulled up to what looked like a pizza place. Of course this would be Jon's favorite place to eat around his cabin. I instantly recognized Nolan and Matt leaning against a black jeep, laughing with each other. They spotted us and made their way towards our car. We jumped out and Jon practically ran towards his friends. They all hugged, tighter than even my friends and I did. I understood them though. Jon hadn't seen them since the All-Star game. They'd both flown to Ohio to see him, but hadn't found the time to be able to see him again.

"Natalie is that you?" Nolan asked, smirking at me before hugging me tightly. Matt did the same a second later.

"Hey Nolan, hello Matt." We got inside and sat down, each of us ordering our own pizza. David and Jon both got pizza with Canadian bacon and Jon also got pineapple on his. Nolan got a meat lovers while Matt just got cheese. I of course got a veggie. We all ordered Moosehead Lagers just because we were feeling extra Canadian at the moment.

"So where you from?" Matt asked later that night while sipping on his beer.

"Saint Louis actually. Chicago this year was the first time I've ever moved."

"It must've been a good decision, eh? I mean you got Chicago's most eligible bachelor." Matt joked, winking at Jon.

"Natalie's dated far more successful people. She dated Oshie and he practically saved their country's terrible hockey team."

"Woah, don't bring my nationality into this. The stereotypes are so wrong, you Canadians are brutal." The table erupted into a fit of laughter. Nolan even claimed to wet himself, but I didn't believe it for one second.

"We should probably get going, Nat." David smiled. I checked the time on my phone, noticing it was already 10:30. Holy crap we'd been here for 3 hours and it seemed like we'd just gotten here. I hugged Jon's friends goodbye and gave him a quick kiss.

"Don't have too much fun." I winked at the boys, pulled on my coat and hopping into David's truck. "Now let's binge watch every movie you own."

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