Chapter 33 -Mr. And Mrs. Oshie

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"The real act of marriage takes place in the heart, not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. It's a choice you make - not just on your wedding day, but over and over again - and that choice is reflected in the way you treat your husband or wife." -Barbara de Angelis

Natalie P.O.V

I adjusted my dress for what seemed like the hundredth time. The thin fabric really didn't want to stay in place. It wasn't a reveling dress, but the chest of it was slightly too big so I had a lot of cleavage going on. The dress was floor length in a royal blue color, with a v neck top. I paired the outfit with nude pumps and a thin gold belt. Jon walked into the bathroom wearing a plain black tux that fit him perfectly. He left be a quick kiss on the back of my neck before he started peeing.

"Jon, ew what the hell." I shouted, smacking his chest.

"It's nothing you haven't seen before sweetheart." He smirked, winking dramatically before giving my butt a squeeze.

"Let's go babe. We've got wedding duties to fulfill." I took his hand in my own and walked towards the elevator. The wedding was in the ballroom of the hotel we were staying in, which was very convenient. But that also meant there were hundreds of guests roaming the hallways, some of which included Beau and Tyler, who had taken it upon themselves to wake me up at midnight so I could swim with them for the past two nights.

"Finally you're here. Natalie I need you to calm me down." TJ shouted as soon as we entered the grooms room. Taylor instantly engulfed me in a hug. The resemblance between him and TJ still freaked me out even though I'd known Taylor for over three years. I smacked TJ's shoulder and cupped his face with my hands.

"Timothy Leif Oshie you're about the marry the love of your life out there and I know that might scare the crap out of you, but you two have been together for almost five years and you have the most beautiful daughter in the world. I think if she was going to leave you it would've already happened. So please stop thinking about all the things that could go wrong and start thinking about how gorgeous your wife-to-be is going to look in about an hour." TJ hugged me, whispering how much he loved me. I kissed Jonathan goodbye and made my way towards Lauren's suite. My jaw instantly dropped at the girl standing in front of me. Of course she was always beautiful, but today was something entirely different. She had a glow about her that I'd only seen on pregnant girls, but I was positive she wasn't expecting. The glow was radiating off her smile as she hugged me tightly.

"You look beautiful, Natalie." She stated while handing Lyla to me. I'd told her I could watch the little rascal during the wedding so her family could really enjoy it.

"Lauren, I've never see you look so amazing. TJ won't be able to contain himself when he sees you." She giggled, stepping into her silver shoes. I bounced Lyla on my hip while Lauren sorted through her bags. She handed me one filled with snacks and enough diapers to last a lifetime.

"Thank you so much for watching her. You're actually a life saver." Lauren said, hugging me again.

"It's honestly not a big deal at all. My god daughter and I deserve some more time together before you guys move. Plus Jon's in the wedding so the little bugger can keep my company." I pinched the young girls cheeks, causing her to erupt into a fit of giggles.

I made my way down towards the ceremony hall. Guests were already filing in and I spotted Tyler and Jamie chatting amongst themselves in the corner. Grabbing Lylas hand, I made my way over to them.

"Look who it is. Lyla-girl and Ms. Plager." Jamie smiled, hugging and kissing both of our heads. Him and Tyler were both sporting dark navy suits with brown dress shoes.

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