Chapter 9 -Wild Game 1

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Jonathan's P.O.V

"You ready for morning skate." Patrick asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded and forced myself out of bed. I hadn't done much the past week. What was there to do? Patrick was pretty much living at Amanda's, Andrew and Brandon were both with their girlfriends and the only person I wanted to spend this off week with was in St. Louis. So I was pretty much forced to hang out with Corey, which may I add only happened once. Even he had a bunch of friends to hang out with.

"Dude, she's gonna be home this weekend get over it." He groaned, grabbing his bag. I threw on a hoodie and completely ignored Pat. He didn't understand how annoying it was when all of his friends chose girls over him. He had the girl of his dreams already. Mine was out hanging out with a group of guys that I wasn't a big fan of. One of which had kissed her. We got into his SUV and drove silently to the UC.

"Hey, you pumped for tonight?" Shawsy shouted, slapping me on the back of the head. I glared at him and continued putting on my pads. "Whoa everyone, watch out. Captain Serious is back." 


We stepped onto the ice and instantly my mood changed. I loved playing the Wild and I'm sure the fans did too. It's crazy that we weren't considered rivals after playing them in the post season for the third straight year. The starters were Bicks, Richards, Patty, Keith and Rozsival. About a minute later my line of Hossa, Saader and I jumped in. Saad somehow stop the puck from the Wild and flew up the wing, putting on in behind Dubnyk. About 12 minutes later, Patty added to the lead. Then 2 minutes after that, Krug's scored a beauty. It was the second period now. Less than 90 seconds in, Crawford let in a shot by Zucker. None of us were nervous until about 2 minutes later when Parise got one in. Then all of our hearts dropped with 10 minutes left. Granland somehow scored. It was officially 3-3.

 By the time there was a minute left most of us had just accepted we had to really step up in the 3rd period. Both teams were pretty much just putting up lobs at the other goals. Teuvo shot one from the slightly past the blue line and somehow it floated past Dubnyk. We'd won! All of us were ecstatic, slapping Teuvo on the back. 

"Nice job, rooks. You just won that one for us." I shouted, wrapping my arm around him. 

"Thanks man. It means a lot." 

"Um, Mr. Toews you have a visitor." Said a large security guard, who I knew was named Larry. But who would even be here for me, unless it was a reporter. I pulled on a hoodie and tucked my hair in a beanie, making my way towards the press room. "No they're in the tunnel."

Huh, so it was a personal guest? I made my way towards the tunnel. When I opened the door my heart nearly leaped out of my chest. Standing in the tunnel was the beautiful blonde I'd missed like crazy the past week. She stood there, her hair curled down her back and she wore a giant jersey with my name. 

"Nat. I missed you so much!" I shouted, wrapping my arms around her in a hug. "Where'd you get that jersey?"

"I broke into your house. It's not very smart to leave your key under the mat." She laughed, kissing me softly. I'd missed her kisses, well actually just her in general. 

"That right there was Patty's idea. He can never remember his key. What are you doing here? You weren't supposed to be home until next week."

"Well I missed Chicago. Plus everyone except Osh and Vlads went home already." 

"Well come in, Shawsy missed you like crazy." We enter the locker room again and I swear Andrew nearly had a heart attack. He ran from his stall and tackled Natalie to the ground. Brandon joined in, dog piling on the both of them. I went back to my stall to continue getting ready to leave. She joined me a few minutes later after talking to Andrew, Brandon, Patrick and Teuvo. Apparently T and her were pretty good friends now.

"I didn't know you and Teuvo were friends." I said, almost bitterly. I liked T, but I defiantly didn't like that he was talking to Natalie. 

"Oh Tevs? He's adorable, I love that guy!"

"You gonna date him?" She raised an eyebrow, but I completely ignored her while pulling on my shoes.

"Um, no? He's my friend and I sorta like you, Jonny." She smiled, lying her head on my shoulder. I might've been over reacting over the Teuvo thing. It was just that after Lindsey cheated on me, I was really nervous about trusting in relationships. And even though I wasn't actually dating Natalie, I really did like her.

"Let's go." I wrapped my arm her as we walked through the dark hallways. When we got back to my place, we popped a pizza in the oven and opened a bottle of wine. Red, to Natalie's pleasure. We were sitting around the island, shoving veggie pizza in our mouths and laughing our butts off. 

"No was is Crosby better than Ovi! There's no disputing it!" She shouted, throwing her hands up in the air. I didn't even care about this topic, but riling her up was so much fun.

"Crosby had way more points than Ovi."

"Yeah well Jamie Benn had more than both, but we're not saying he's the best captain in the league. Ovi had like double the goals over Crosby. He can't score for the life of him." 

"Hey, Crosby and I tied for goals. You saying I can't score?"

"All I'm saying is there's a reason we're not talking about you being one of the best captains."

"You're an asshole." I laughed, kissing her. We begun cleaning up the dishes and finishing the wine. I had to be up pretty early for practice and it was already almost midnight. We walked across the street and were standing on Barb's front porch. 

"Heads up, my brother's coming into town tomorrow."

"Does he hate us as much as you do?" I asked, smirking heavily at her. 

"I don't hate you! I just like a few teams more. And no, my brother actually likes you guys for some reason."

"Well who's his favorite player?" 

"Hammer I think. Could you get him seats? I think he would die of happiness." 

"Yup as long as you'll be there." She smiled, leaning in the door frame. "I should probably go."

"Okay, goodnight Jonny. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, goodnight Nat." She waved goodbye, shutting the door. Once again, I was going back to an empty house. I'm not even sure why Patty payed rent here anymore. I was actually hoping for a new roommate. And maybe just maybe, that person could be Nat. 

I wrote this whole thing watching the Convention I don't even know why. It's like 6 hours long! My sister's boyfriend is home (he was the one who got me addicted to hockey) and he admittedly walked into my room with his friends shouting "Who wants to see all of Katie's useless jerseys?" referring to both of my Saad  jerseys. Don't worry, I punched him. 

Q:Every jersey you've had?

A: Byfuglien, No name, Saad (x2) and buying a Teravainen at some point this week :)   

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