Chapter 41 -The News

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"It's been good, nice to reach that number. I think I was close a couple times and got hurt, so it was nice to reach that number, but more importantly I think getting the franchise record of wins in a row, it's pretty special and something that we can all be proud of." -Patrick Kane

Jonathan's P.O.V

"I don't care anymore." Natalie screamed into the phone the next morning. "Oh save it. No fuck you."

She sighed, throwing her phone onto the bed and running her fingers through her hair. She's been getting these phone calls since she's gotten to DC, but she claimed they were work. Which was absolute bullshit. I was almost certain it was Beau confessing his love to her. Tyler had slipped and told me about them in Dallas. Technically we'd broken up at the time so I wasn't too upset over it. Beau was just a rebound.

"Who was that?" I asked, already knowing she was gonna lie to me. She got back under the covers, leaning against my chest.

"Just Russia again, he's mad at me." She lied with a straight face, glancing at her phone which had just gone off again. "TJ wants to meet us for lunch so we should probably get ready."

I jumped into the shower quickly, throwing on black jeans and a hoodie while Natalie wore her glasses, a ponytail, leggings and sweater. We jumped into TJ's Jeep and drove towards a restaurant a few miles away.

"You know what's weird?" I asked Natalie. She nodded for me to continue. "For as long as we've both known TJ, I'm surprised our paths never crossed. Like he never mentioned you."

"We never met because you only hang out with him when you guys were playing each other. And during those games I was either working or didn't want to meet any of you. I hated most of his friends."

"It's just weird that he never mentioned you. Like the only Natalie he ever talked about was his girlfriend that he was obsessed with." She bursted out laughing, barely even able to breathe. When she realized I was serious, she quickly shut up.

"That was me, you idiot. You never put two and two together?"

"I didn't know you dated him!" I sighed, running my fingers through my still wet hair. She grabbed onto my hand, dragging me into the Italian restaurant. Lauren and TJ were sat at a booth in the back, talking in hushed tones.

"Hey guys." I smiled, hugging the Oshies. Natalie did the same and slid into the booth so she was next to TJ. We ordered salads and pasta before anyone spoke.

"So we have something to tell you." Lauren said, smiling and grabbing TJ's hand. "I'm pregnant."

Natalie squealed, reaching across the table to hug the tiny blonde. I faked a smile, congratulating the pair. In all honesty the news was killing me. It wasn't fair that these two got two beautiful children when Nat and I couldn't even have one. To be fair we weren't really trying, but all I wanted was to be a father. I spent the rest of the meal in silence while Natalie excitedly chatted with her best friends.

"What wrong, babe?" Natalie asked on our way to the airport. I'd been quiet ever since the announcement, only answering with one word answers.

"I don't want to bother you with it."

"Jon, you know you can talk to me. No more secrets." She smiled grabbing my hand. I quickly yanked it away and focused back on the road.

"Fine if we're being honest, I can't stand TJ for having another kid. I know you don't want any kids, but fuck Natalie I want to be a dad."


"No I'm not done. I know you don't want kids because you're scared of commitment. That one day you're gonna wake up and realize you don't love me and want Beau instead."

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