Chapter 38 -Bear Down

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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can go that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Natalie's P.O.V

"Nat we should really get going, your appointment is in an hour." Jon stated as soon as I walked into the kitchen. I sighed, knowing a fight was about to break out. Jon insisted that this pregnancy was no big deal, but I was so nervous. I didn't want to get another abortion, but I also did know if I could raise our child. My life was stressful enough already. We hopped in the car, driving towards the hospital.

"Hello welcome to Mercy Hospital. Do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked as soon as I walked in. We gave her out info and she insured us our doctor would be ready shortly. A few minutes later, a young female nurse brought me into a private room.

"So how far along do you think you are?" She asked, scanning my stomach.

"A couple months maybe. I haven't gotten my period all month and I've been feeling pretty sick." I informed her. Jon grabbed my hand, kissing it softly before placing it back on the bed.

"Alright Mrs. Toews, I'm going to run a few tests and we'll see what's up." She smiled, exiting the room leaving Jon and I alone.

"I like the sound of Mrs. Toews." Jon laughed. I gave him a weak smile. "Babe, what's up?"

"I just don't know what we're going do. We've only been together 5 months Jon. It's not right."

"Natalie I would gladly spend the rest of my life with you. I love you more than anything."


"We'll figure it out later, okay?" He kissed my temple as the doctor walked in. She looked nervous, but smiled towards us none the less.

"I'm so sorry, but you're not pregnant."

"Oh. Well what's wrong with me?" As much as I didn't want to be pregnant, hearing that I wasn't kind of broke my heart. Jon would be such a great father and he seemed so happy to finally get the chance to be one. It was all my fault.

"Sometimes when people get too stressed their bodies just shut down so I'm assuming that's what happened with you. Have you been stressed lately?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay right?" Jon grabbed my hand in his and traced shapes loosely with his thumb. I gave his hand a squeeze and he weakly smiled at me.

"As long as you stop stressing you'll be fine. Maybe take some time off of work for a few weeks. But other than that you're free to go." Jon helped me up, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we exited the hospital. The ride back to my place was silent, he'd been staying there since he knew I would never come around to his place. The closest I'd been since being home was stopping by Nana's place one day to pick up some food she'd make for me. I saw Pat in his driveway and nearly fainted.

"I-" Jon and I both said at the same time. We chuckled but I assured him he could speak first.

"I just wanted to say that I love you. Even though I wanted a kid, not being pregnant doesn't change anything between us. We don't have to rush into anything in our lives." I smiled, kissing his lips lightly. "What we're you gonna say?"

"I need to talk to Pat. I believe everyone telling me that he didn't do it and I know I can't hold something over his head that he didn't even do. I have to get over it."

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