Chapter 10- Double Trouble

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"Having lots of siblings is like having built in best friends." -Kim Kardashian 

Natalie's P.O.V

I had to pick my brother, Mark, up from the airport. I was surprised he didn't get himself a limo since he thought he was such a big shot. So now I was stuck spending half of my day picking him up. It didn't help that his flight got in at 2 so my whole day was pretty much shot. Let's be real though, I probably wasn't going to do anything anyways. 

Around 1:30, I decided I should probably get going. Mark wasn't very nice when he had to wait a long time. Mark was a great older brother. He was pretty causal, which was fitting as he lived in LA. I wasn't a fan of the distance between him and I. I liked LA, don't get me wrong, but the traffic was unbearable and everything cost way too much money. Plus I loved the winter months, even though I wouldn't admit it during the cold. But Mark was super carefree and pretty much the male version of me. And even though he wouldn't admit it, I was way better at hockey than him.

"Hey little sis." Mark smiled, ruffling my hair. His hair on the other hand was pulled into a small bun. His hair wasn't actually that long though, it was about the same length as Erik Karlsson's. We looked a lot alike. His hair was the same dirty blonde as mine, but he had brown eyes. We drove back to Nana's place, jamming to Taylor Swift. We were seeing her in September back in St. Louis. 

"Guess who I befriended." 

"Um, i don't know Nat. Nana's friends?"

"Even better. Kaner, Toews, Shaw and Saad."

"Haha, you're hilarious." 

"No for real! We can go there if you want."

"You probably just found cardboard cutouts of all of them. Let's just go to Nana's." I obliged to him, parking in Nana's driveway. We brought his bags into the room adjacent to mine and I started helping him unpack. There was no chance he would do it if I didn't force him to. It had been and hour and all we were doing was looking at our phones.

To Jonny Boy: Wanna come over? Max is already boring :P

From Jonny Boy: Corey's over. I'm bringing him. 

I switched off my phone and got out of bed, dragging Max with me. He wasn't happy and when the doorbell rang, he was extra pissed. Max was never a huge fan of most of my friends. They were pretty stuck up and only talked to me because I knew a lot of "famous" people. I didn't actually though, most of the players at the time didn't give me the time of day. It wasn't until I was about 19 when I befriended the players. Ben Bishop, TJ Oshie, David Perron and Alex Pietrangelo were pretty much my best friends for a few years. Ben got traded later that year and David went to Pittsburgh a couple years later. That's when I started hanging out with Vlads, Jaden, Allen and Elliot. 

"Natalie, how you doing." Corey shouted, pulling me in for a bone crushing hug. 

"Hey, Core. I saw you yesterday you can put me down." Max walked up behind us, shock filling his face. "Uh this is my brother Max."

"Hey I'm Jonny." 

"Nice to meet you, Jon. You too Crow."

"Who wants to play NHL 15? Jonny Boy won't play with me." 

"Yeah I'm in, Mark you wanna play?" He nodded and we made our way to the basement. Max and I teamed up and went against Corey. Jonny still didn't want to play because he was the most boring human alive. It was Max's turn to play so I turned my attention back to Jonny. He was already looking at me, a huge smile covering his face. 

"How was practice?"

"Pretty good. We pretty much reviewed tapes the whole time." 

"At least you didn't have to hang out with Max." I smirked, punching his arm. Mark instantly dropped the controller and tackled me. He pinned me down, holding my hands above my head. I kicked him off of me, gaining dominance over him. He was super ticklish so clearly I was going to use that to my advantage. 

"Tag team!" He shouted. "Jonny it's you." I instantly let him so and begun running. Jonny jumped up from the couch and started chasing after me. He slung me over his shoulder and through me back down on the couch. 

"Hey Mark, is she ticklish?" As soon as his hands touched my waist I started thrashing around. If you thought Mark was ticklish, I was 100 times worse. I was gasping for breath, attempting to throw him off of me with all my strength. Too bad I was a weak girl and he was a professional athlete. 

"Corey save me!" I gasped out. On command, Corey tackled him. They wrestled around for a while while I caught my breath. Mark was laughing his head off in the corner. I stood by him because as much as I didn't want to admit it, I actually did miss him. 

"Can I ask you something?" He asked as soon as I walked towards him. 

"Sure, what's up?"

"Do you and Jonny have something going on?"

"Yeah, I'm actually pregnant with his child." 

"Haha you're so funny. But seriously Nat. You know I hate you dating hockey players." 

"Yeah I don't like dating them either, but I really like him." 

"Okay. If he does anything I'll beat the shit out of him."

"You couldn't take down a rookie, much less him." 

"Yeah well I'll get all of your friends to beat him up." I laughed, leaning into his side. Jonny walked over, still laughing from his wrestling match with Corey. 

"I should probably get going."

"Oh yeah, let me walk you out." We were standing on the porch. Corey and Mark were standing in the kitchen pretending they weren't watching us. It was pretty obvious though, Corey kept glancing in our direction. Mark was a little more sly about it, making it look like he was just talking to Core. They were both still shitty actors. 

"I was gonna kiss you, but there's a crowd." Jonny laughed, gesturing to the boys. We waved to them before turning back to each other. I got on my tippy toes and pressed our lips lightly together. He cupped my face, kissing me slightly deeper, but I pulled away. 

"We've got a crowd." I laughed, pointing towards the boys with their mouths hung open. "Goodnight."

"Night Nat." He walked back to his place, a goofy smirk covering his face. Corey ran out about 30 seconds later. He squeezed me tightly, again.

"I didn't know you and Tazer were together! I can't believe you didn't tell me." He shouted, punching my arm. 

"First off, ow. Second off, were not dating so there was nothing to tell you!"  

"Fine I forgive you I guess. I'm gonna get going." 

"Wait! I'm having a party tomorrow. Will you come and bring some people? The only people coming so far are Chaunette, Andrew, Brandon, Patty, Amanda,Teuvo and Jonny. We need some life to this party."

"Yeah I'll convince TVR, Rundblad and Hammer to come."

"Thank you! You're a saint. I officially love you."

"Hey save the love for Tazer." He winked, jumping into his car and speeding away. He was so dramatic, but I actually loved him for it. 

This could be the start of a killer friendship. 

Wow this was all dialogue I'm so sorry for that.  Did anyone see the Star's GM compare Segs and Benn to Tazer and Kane? I was actually laughing so hard over it. Yes, Segs and Benn do put up more points, but they fall so short on defense. If they work on that, well we're screwed because they'll be a killer duo. But their playing styles are nothing alike.

Q: Least favorite players?

A: Crosby, Chara, Marchand and Weber (You can see my hate of East Coast teams here)

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