Chapter 37 -Welcome Home

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"It's a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, smells the same. You realize what's changed is you." -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Jonathan's P.O.V

"Jon you've been such an ass since we've gotten home. Barb misses you, just come over for lunch." I groaned, throwing on a pair of joggers and a hoodie and making my way towards the kitchen. I'd been purposely avoiding Barb since we got back from Buffalo. She held the same eyes as Natalie and I couldn't bare to look into them again. Barb stood in the kitchen, a plate of waffles in one hand and a plate of fruit in the other. She dropped them onto the counter as soon as I walked in, running into my arms. I smiled at her touch, but didn't dare look her in the eyes.

"Jonathan, sweetheart, how have you been?" She smiled, pulling Pat and I into the kitchen. We sat around her table funneling food into our mouths. I missed her cooking a lot actually.

"So Barb, when's your next big getaway?" Pat asked.

"I'm heading to Rome with my sisters. We're gonna get so drunk on wine, boys." We all chuckled, cleaning up the plates and sitting on the couch. I heard the front door open and shut just as quickly.

"Nana, I've just got to grab my last boxes and I'll be gone." The voice sent shivers down my spine. Natalie seemed to notice me the exact second I noticed her. She sped from the kitchen and I was right on her heels. "Jonathan leave me alone."

"Natalie please listen to me." I slipped into her room, shutting the door behind both of us. "I know you aren't mad at me. Pat told me. So what's up?"

She instantly started bawling, curling up into a ball on her bed. I rushed over, engulfing her in a hug. She collapsed into my arms while her entire body shook. I fought the urge to just kiss her. I missed her lips against mine, but I still didn't know how we stood. So instead I just held her tight.

"I can't be here right now." Natalie instantly said, pushing me off of her. She grabbed the only remaining box in her room and rushed out. Once again, I ran after her. She didn't wait for me, but I made it to my car in time that I could still see her Lexus in traffic. I followed closely behind, passing Wrigley before I figured out where we were going. She'd bought the apartment. She'd moved on from me, knowing she would never move in.

The doorman informed me that Natalie's room was 508 as I skipped the elevator to run up the stairs. Her apartment door was creaked open. There she sat, cross legged on her concrete floors with mascara running down her face. Yet she was still beautiful to me. She would always be beautiful to me.

"Jon, we need to talk."

"Natalie, if you're gonna break up with me, just do it. But I'm still not leaving. I'm gonna help you through whatever is going on in your mind." She sighed, running her fingers through her hair. She'd cut it since I'd last seen her, it was now about collarbone length. It may have been darker too, but that very well could've just been the lighting.

"In college I was fucked up." She stated, tears still managing to fall from her eyes. "I partied all the time because I didn't know what else to do. I was so fucking lonely, Jon."

"Babe, I'm here now." I whispered, wrapping my arms tightly around her. She melted into me.

"I was at this party with my roommate, Lainey, and I started loosing control of my body. Initially I thought I was wasted again, but this was something different. Then there were these 2 men who kept forcing me to dance with them and they kept feeling me up and kissing my neck, but I couldn't do anything. So one of them led me to this bedroom upstairs and took off my clothes while the other shoved himself into my mouth. Then right before the other was about to rape me, this guy ran in. I thought he was in on it, but he saved me."

Neither of us said anything. Instead we sat on her floor, looking out at Wrigley Field. There was a game set for today that I'm sure she'd be going to. Natalie had stopped crying and now just looked emotionless.

"He didn't do it you know. I'm not trying to defend him, but I don't want you to be scared of him. He's one of your best friends." I whispered, wrapping my arm around her waist. She looked up at me, her eyes scanning my face for any emotion. Maybe she thought I was lying.

"Yeah I know, but I'm still terrified of him right now. Please don't make me see him until I'm ready." She begged.

"Yeah, Nat I'm not forcing you into anything. Take as long as you want." I turned back to the window as we continued to sit in silence. A few minutes later, Natalie broke it again.

"Jon, what are we? Because I still fucking love you, but just let me know if this is done." She gestured between us.

"Nothing's changed, okay?" I smiled, kissing her softly. "I love you."
"How much shit do you own?" I groaned, unpacking yet another box of books. There was already 2 unpacked and I'm sure there was more. Luckily for her, she had a massive bookshelf in her living room. Her place was actually amazing, equipped with brick walls and a lot of industrial elements.

"Too much. But look at this cute picture of us." She showed me a framed picture of us from the night I asked her out. We were laying on the couch in her basement, she was in my lap cuddling into my chest as I smiled down at her.

"You looked so beautiful that night."

"What? I was just wearing leggings and a flannel. That's sooo glamorous."

"Yeah, but that was the night I fell in love with you. Later that night you were wearing my clothes and I'd never seen something so breathtaking."

"You're such a cheese ball." She giggled. "But just for the record I fell in love with you that night too."

"Well love, why don't we head to the Cubs game."

She walked to her closet, throwing a Cubs hoodie at me. It was one she'd stolen from me months ago. I took off the tee shirt I was wearing and threw on this hoodie. She wore a pair of jean shorts and an almost identical hoodie with black converse.

"Your haircut looks amazing by the way." She turned towards me, smiling and kissing me softly. We got going, walking the short block towards the stadium. Kris and Anthony were in Natalie's office when we arrived.

"You guys just waiting here until I got back?" She joked. Both the boys ran towards her and engulfed her in hugs. I'm glad Nat's got a few friends that weren't Hawks players. We got pretty boring after a while.

"We just hang out in here to avoid the rest of the team when they get annoying. How was Dallas by the way?" Kris asked.

"Aw it was great to see Segs and the Benns. Bishop came with too."

"I'm glad he was there for you. You needed that last bit of fun before everything happens." Natalie's face dropped at Anthony's words. What did he mean before everything happens?

"Um boys could you give Jon and I a second?" They left, hugging us both goodbye. Natalie turned towards me, a scared expression on her face. She continued to avoid my eye contact until I forced her chin up so she would look at me.

"What is Anthony talking about?" I begged. She bit her lip, taking a step away from me.

"Please don't freak out, but I might be pregnant."

Wow cliffhanger. Also super sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. Hope you all had an amazing holiday season and a great new year! The next post will most liked be in 2016 on the Winter Classic day aka the best way to start a year. Also Iowa is in the rose bowl and I'm a huge Hawkeye fan so we're gonna have some great duel screens going on!

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