Chapter 27 -Waking Up In Vegas

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"Someone who thinks the world is always cheating him is right. He is missing that wonderful feeling of trust in someone or something." -Eric Hoffer

Natalie's P.O.V

"Erik's got better hair than you." Jon whispered, dropping his arm around me. I smiled up at him, rolling his eyes as dramatically as I could. Erik Karlsson had just won the James Norris Memorial Trophy. To be frank, I'd wanted PK to win, but Erik was even better than Drew Doughty winning, who was also up for the award. I'd been successfully avoiding him since I got here. 

"And the Vezina Trophy goes to... Carey Price." The crowd erupted into cheers. Carey stood up next to me, pulling me up into his arms. I hugged my new friend tightly before he made his way to the stage to accept the award.

"Fucking Carey winning everything." Peaks muttered, rolling his eyes. He'd already won 2/3 of the awards so far tonight. Carey returned as they were announcing the winner of the Calder. Aaron Ekblad won it much to my dismay. I was really rooting for Johnny Gaudreau.

"If you win this next one I swear to god I'll give you a million dollars." I whispered to Carey. He chuckled, knowing there was no chance he could win a third award. I mean for Christ's sake he was up again Ovi and Jamie Benn, both of which deserved it more in my opinion.

"This years Ted Lindsey Award goes out to...Carey Price!" The announcer shouted. Carey and I bursted into a fit of giggles as he hugged me. He accepted his award and plopped down in the seat next to me.

"I'll take my million now Ms. Plager."

"Nat!" I heard someone shout. I turned towards the noise and saw Tyler frantically waving me over. "This is Jamie, Jamie this is Jonathan's girlfriend."

I was starstruck by the man in front of me. Even though he was my age, I'd always been a fan of Jamie. He was pretty much a god in my eyes. Jamie's arms wrapped tightly around me, giving me a bone crushing hug.

"Sorry for not warning you. Jamie's a big hugger." Tyler apologized.

"Guilty as charged. How you liking Vegas so far?" Jamie asked with a goofy grin on his face.

"It's awesome. Congrats on the season by the way."

"Thank you so much! You've got to come to Dallas sometime. You can stay with Segs and I."

"I'm definitely in. But I really should go find Jonny. He's probably still upset he didn't win." I hugged both the boys goodbye and found Jon. He was chatting with Patrick, Sidney, Erik and TJ.

"Where's Vlads?" I asked TJ, while leaning into Jonny's side. I hadn't seen Vlads this whole trip and I honestly missed the guy.

"Him and Yana bailed. Too much wedding planning."

"And what about you? Your wedding is in like a month." He shrugged, pulling me towards the bar. We both hadn't had any drinks in at least an hour. What ever buzz I'd had before was completely gone. We both ordered a beer. TJ saw David across the room and went to go talk to him, leaving me to enjoy my drink at the bar.

"I'll take whatever she's drinking." I turned to my left, a wave of emotions washing over me. Standing next to me was the one and only Jordan Eberle. He shot me a smile, a gesture I couldn't force myself to return. He seemed to notice me discomfort, latching onto my wrist so I wouldn't walk away.

"I just want to talk, Natalie."

"I have nothing to say to you." I hissed, trying to gather my things and find Jonny. He placed a single and on my cheek and turned my face towards him.

"Why are you so mad at me? You left without an explanation." An strange emotion flashed in his eyes. Sadness? What did he have to be sad about?

"That was two years ago, Jordan. It's time to move on."

"I can't move on from you though Natalie. I love you. I'll always love you. I don't care what happened with the bab-"

"Don't you dare bring that up right now." I sighed, tears forming in my eyes. I mentally begged TJ or Jamie to save me from this conversation. They were the only ones who knew why I'd left Jordan in the first place and I wanted to keep it that way.

"It was my choice too you know." His voice had dropped a handful of octaves. He looked up at me, his eyes glossy. "I would've helped you."

"I really can't talk about this right now. I'm sorry, I've got to go." I ran away from the bar, brushing past Jon in the process. He shouted my name but I just told him I was tired and he should stay put for a bit longer. I knew he could sense that I was lying, but he knew me well enough to know I just wanted to be alone.

I walked towards the lobby, undoing my hair and taking off my heels. It was late so the lobby was deserted. Except for one man, who I instantly recognized. Beau looked up at me, running across the lobby towards me. He must've noticed my now tear-stained cheeks because he just led me to his hotel room.

"You don't have to tell me what's wrong, but I'm here if you need to talk." He whispered, stroking my hair. I wanted to tell him, but the tears would let me. After what seemed like hours, I regained my composure.

"I ran into my ex, which usually wouldn't bother me, but we've just been through so much." I choked out. He nodded for me to continue. "I mean I got pregnant with his fucking kid for god sakes. You probably hate for killing the kid. Everyone else still does."

"Natalie nothing you could ever do would make me hate you. I'm assuming it was Jordan? I saw you guys talking. He'd be the shittiest father ever. You're smart for not having the baby."

"I regret it everyday, Beau. I'm so selfish." I looked up at him through blurry vision. We stared at each other, both of us occasionally glancing at each other's lips. I slammed my lips against his, pushing him down on the bed. He fumbled with the zipper of my dress, but I stepped out of it to help him out. I pulled down his pants at the same time while he unbuttoned his shirt.

"You're so beautiful." His whispered against my lips. I pressed my lips against him, trying desperately to forget my past with Jordan. It wasn't until I was already wrapped in Beau's arms, our naked bodies intertwined, that I even thought of Jonny.

A wave of uncontrollable guilt washed over me. I felt like throwing up. I'd betrayed the only person who continuously cared and cherished me. Tears tugged at the corners of my eyes as I unlocked our hotel room. He was perched in the bed, a huge smile on his face. It instantly disappeared when he saw me.

"I'm so sorry." Was all I said. He jumped out of bed, engulfing me in a hug.

"For what, baby?" He cooed, his only interest was in getting me to stop crying. If only he knew what I was going to say.

"I don't know why I did it. I really didn't mean to Jonny. I love you more than anything." I sobbed, my voice cracking halfway through.

"Did what? I won't be mad sweetheart."

"I slept- I slept with Beau." His arms dropped from around me. He back away in what looked like disgust.

"Why?" He asked, his eyes a dark shade of brown. "I'm going to fucking kill that guy."

"It was my fault Jonny. It's always my fault."

"You need to leave." I stood in shock for a brief second, not sure if I was hearing him right.

"Get out." He shouted. I grabbed my already packed suitcase and practically ran from the hotel room. I knocked on the only room I could think of.

"I fucked up big time, TJ."

So I actually just wrote this whole thing on my plane ride home so I'm so sorry for typos. Wish me luck waking up tomorrow! Time zones can kill me actually. Omg the power just went out on the plane hahah wtf is happening. Alright I've gotta get off peace!

Q: Who will win tomorrow? Blues or Flames?

A: Flames

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