Chapter VIII

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Chapter 8

<POV: 3rd person>
<Location: Admin Meeting>
<Around a week after chapter 7>

Exavier only looked up to three people.
One was dead. One was missing and hadn't been seen for years. And one was sitting right next to him.
Two out of three of them were admins, and the other was ironically a watcher.

EX huffed as the monthly admin meeting continued.
'Admin duties are boring the way they are, why do they have to add meetings on top of it?' EX thought.
EX was bored out of his mind and began to think about one of the people he respected and looked up to.
A Watcher.

Their name was Loyalty.
The only reason they were different from other watchers was that they ran away from the watchers.
They had, for some reason, contacted the admins and told them what they did.
They have only been heard from twice since the original contact with the admins. Both were about how they had recruited more watchers and some listeners that had their doubts about their Primes.
Exavier respected them because of their ability to convince people that they meant no harm and actually mean it, their ability to hide, and that they knew that what the watchers was wrong even if they were one themselves.

EX was snapped out of his thoughts when X elbowed him in the ribs.
"Focus EX." Xisuma whispered.
"But it's boring." EX whined back.
X glared at him and Ex shut up.
X turned his eyes back on the admin that was speaking.
"That concludes this meeting. I will see you all next month." The admin said finishing up the meeting.
X then rolled his eyes at Exavier. "You spaced out the entire meeting."
"Yay." EX replied hurriedly rushing out of the building and back to the portal to Hermitcraft.

When X finally caught up to EX he glared at his brother but he wasn't really mad.
"You could have paid a little bit of attention." X berated his twin.
"But they are so boring." EX whined.
"It part of your job."
"No thats part of your job."
X huffed. "You know what I mean."
EX smiled smugly knowing he won the argument.
"Anyways." X sighed. "Since you were gazing off into space most of the meeting I'll tell you what you need to know."
"A few admins detected watcher activity so we have to keep an eye out for stuff like that. And we have to reinforce the server barrier. Ok?"
"Oookkk." EX said mildly annoyed. "I'll do that in like 5 minutes after I take a nap."
X rolled his eyes and went to go do admin stuff and EX went to take a nap.

(DISCONTINUED) What Is Hidden From View (AU) (Watcher/Admin Grian)Where stories live. Discover now