030 - Dr's Office

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check in⭐️

i didn't proof read so sorry for any mistakes.

i didn't proof read so sorry for any mistakes

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Red Hills, Kingston
Saturday 27th June


Star's POV


Mi feel sweaty

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Mi feel sweaty

Mi body pain up

but you know what they say no pain no gains!

I know i'm only 15 and everyone will say my body hasn't fully developed but i'm really insecure about it.

I just feel like i'm skinny with no breast or bum and everyone my age has some.

So i decided to start the gym in hopes to get some gains and grow my booty.

it's worth a try i guess lol.

I've been at the gym since 7am and only reaching home now at 12.

Walking into the kitchen i see a young man who i don't know going through the pantry.

A who him?

A who day young man yah?

His fine.

it's the dreads.

Nah he fine overall.

Standing up staring i don't realise i'm being a creep till i hear the young man address me.

"A picture woulda last longer still" He turns to smirk at me

Me really did a stare dat long?

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