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"iced matcha latte!" the worked yelled out and i went to go grab it

i always get matcha before school because matcha is life and i can't live without it

"so what happened? did you talk to bangchan?" jennie asked as we started walking to school

"i did, he said we didn't do anything which was a relief" i said taking a sip out of my drink

"that's good, also felix hasn't texted me and im so sad, like does he not want to talk to me? am i not good enough?" she pouted

"he said he doesn't want a relationship unfortunately, but maybe he'll come around" he said putting my hand on her shoulder and she just sighed "there's plenty of fish in the sea"

"i'm tired of fishing i want the fish i caught"

jennie has been having a massive crush on felix since they were in middle school, her first and last. and she's never talked to him before, we're seniors now she has to talk to him sooner or later

"hey jennie question" i asked as i closed my locker "do you know a minho that goes here?" i asked and she nodded

"he's in my class, why?"

"i was talking to him at the party before i got dragged to my house, he was cute so i just wanted to know" i said and she gasped

"oh em gosh chaelin in her dating era?!" jennie said squinting

"shut up people are gonna hear you" i said hitting her arm "and no, i just wanted to get to know him more that's all"

"well then, walk me to class and you'll see him" she winked at me and turned around and started walking

once we got to her class i didn't see him anywhere inside "he normally comes in later" she told me

"how long does he take?" i asked

"apparently not that long" she said looking
behind me "ill see you at lunch" she said as she walked in her class

i turned around and saw him, my heart started pounding

"waiting for me?" he asked as he stopped in front of me

"yeah, i wanted to say that im sorry for leaving you at the party, something happened" i said running my arm

"it's totally fine i get it" he smiled and he has a nice smile? i'm going to faint "here" he said taking out his phone and handing it to me "put your number"

i smiled and did exactly that "i'll call you later ok?" he said as he winked and walked into the class

i smiled like crazy and walked to my class

"what are you smiling about?" bangchan asked as he looked at me sitting down

"nothing" i said as i took out my work

"you're never this happy so, what happened"

"why does it matter to you?" i said looking at him

"it doesn't, i just hate seeing you happy"

"since you wanna know sooo bad, i gave minho my number" i smiled and his eyes widened

"i told you not to do anything with him?!" he said

"and i told you to not tell me what to do" i rolled my eyes

"hes going to use you dummy" he scoffed and got back on his phone

i was on my bed, doing my homework when i got a call from an unknown number, i was confused and answered "hello?"

"chaelin! hi its minho"

"oh hi minho! how are you!"

"i'm good, i just wanted to ask if you wanted to go out tomorrow and grab some dinner with me"

"id love to! just let me know what time and place and ill meet you there"

"awesome! see you there cutie" he said as he hung up

i was giggling and jumping up and down like a kid and then fell down on my bed and sighed

"what's up with you?"

"jesus- how do you get in here without making a noise?! i said looking at bangchan as he climbed in my room

"it's not that hard" he said sitting on my chair

"why are you here?" i asked sitting up

"i need help with my homework, i need to pass this class" he said handing me a paper

i scanned it over and it was algebra 2 "you're taking algebra in senior year?" i asked

"mm, i'm not good at math" he said spinning in the chair

"well lucky for you i love math" i said

"anyways back to the question why were you just jumping like a child" he said

"i have a date with minho tomorrow" i said doing my homework

"seriously? after what i just told you?" he said looking at me

"why would i listen to you?"

"because i know him, he's not good"

"well i haven't heard anything bad about him so i think im good, now can you leave im trying to do my homework" i said looking at him and then back to my paper

"no, i said i need help with my homework" he said sitting on my bed now

"ill help you tomorrow"

"i have a test tomorrow so i need help now, please" he said and i sighed


heart to heart /bangchan Where stories live. Discover now