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"he said that?" jennie said as i told her what happened

"yes and i don't know what to do, he hasn't talked to me since that happened and i don't even know if he knows that happened he was honestly really drunk" i sighed and closed my locker

"i say dont mention it, let him bring it up, maybe he'll remember?" she asked as we walked to class

"i doubt it jennie, he doesnt look like the type of person to do that" we stopped in front of my class

"you know what everyone says, when you're drunk, sober words and thoughts always come out" she said patting my shoulder and walking away

i clutched the strap of my backpack as i went over to my seat and sat down, i was not ready to see him or ready for what he would say

i kept looking at the door seeing when he'll come in and after what felt like forever he finally did, i quickly looked away and acted like i didn't see him

"hey" he said sitting down next to me


"uhm, can we talk? after school?" he asked as he looked at me

"yeah, about what?"

"us" he said and my eyes widened

"oh ok? where do you want to meet?" i looked at him

"my car"

i nodded and none of us said anything else

i have a bad feeling about this

i walked over to his car and waited for him to get there and he took a while to arrive i was getting impatient "finally, what took you so long?" i asked as he unlocked his car and we both got in

"i needed to do the restroom" he closed the door and then he started driving

the drive was quite, none of us talked and i was confused because he said he wanted to talk about something

he drove to the house and once we got there he parked and we didn't get out "so uhm, what did you want to talk about?"

"chaelin i think we should stop being friends" he said out of no where and my heart dropped

"w-what?" i asked confused

"i don't think we should be friends anymore" he said blankly

"but why?" my voice cracked

"don't question me, i just don't want to anymore ok? it's for the best" he said serious

"did i do something? i'm sorry if i did i didn't mean it" i said looking at him and he sighed

"why can't you just accept my decision chaelin? i don't want to be friends no more"

"but we were just find a couple days ago? what happened? you can tell me" i said grabbing his hand and he pulled it away

"god chaelin leave me alone, i said i don't want to be friends stop trying to change my mind it won't work, get out" he said raising his voice at me which he has never done before

i was shook, i didn't know what got into him or what i did for him to be like this. "fine." tears were forming in my eyes as i got out of his car and went inside my house

what did i do?

*bangchans pov*

i hit my wheel as i saw her walk inside her house, i was mad at myself, mad at myself for the way i acted towards her. but i did what had to happen.

i can't fall for my best friend. that was the only way.

i got out of my car and went inside my house "hey sweetie how was school?" my mom asked me as i walked in

"it was good" i said going to go my room locked my door and flopped down on my bed and put my hands over my face "why did i have to fall for her" i mumbled

i got up from my bed and went over to my piano, i looked over at my window and saw her on her bed, facing the other way. i let out a deep sigh and just started to write some lyrics
Don't go anywhere, stay with me
I told you,it'salreadytoo late
You've drawnfrom your dreams
Maybe you can come back
Tell me something, I did it last time
When I see her, she's already done it
You made me fall, yeah
I'll be honest with you
I want to give up
I don't know
I can't give up on you
I'll wait a little longer
I hate to admit it
I still miss you
How could I forget?
I promised you
I hate to admit it
It's hard to understand
How could I forget?
The day you lied to me

i threw my pencil on the floor and groaned. i grabbed my phone and facetimed felix

"heyyyyy" he answered

"i ended the friendship with chaelin" i said and his smile faded "i don't you i couldn't do it felix, i just kept falling for her and i don't want to, it'll ruin our friendship so i had to do it"

"you didn't have to chris, you were scared you would lose her. but you just did"

"i couldn't just hide my feelings felix, it was either that or tell her and there's no way im telling her, besides i think she likes jisung and im not trying to go in between that"

"dude she literally said she doesn't like him why do you keep thinking she does?"

"i don't know, i just don't think im the type of person she would like, i had to do it felix. it'll just go back to normal like how i first met her"

"you thought she was cute when you first met her dude, you just acted like you hated her"

"i mean not talking to her at all. i have to go felix ill call you later"

i hung up the phone and sighed

heart to heart /bangchan Where stories live. Discover now