Chapter 4 - Would you?

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Louis and Niall are the first one to arrive at their favorite bar. They already have a booth here as they are regulars, even if they could get anywhere as they are all famous.

It's safer here because the place is very exclusive, that no paparazzo could ever enter. They can be as wild as they want.

Adrian arrives next, smiling, coming to Louis and Niall's direction when he sees them.

"Not much trouble getting in?" Louis asks.

"None at all!" Adrian answers with a kiss on Louis' cheek. "Hello Niall Horan, a privilege to meet you agan! I'm a fan!"

And just like that, Adrian and Niall start to chat. Niall's always happy to meet a fan.

Liam and Kate come soon after, followed by Harry and Zayn. Chloe was still in Paris and Gigi and Zayn take turn on who gets to stay with Khai, looks like today's Gigi's.

They talk about all and nothing. Just enjoying being together. More questions towards Niall as he's the one leaving for tour the next day.

That until Adrian's phone rings and he excuses himself because of an emergency.

"I'll walk you to you car, babe. Excuse us lads!" Louis stands from his sit adjusting his pants.

"It was nice to meet you all, sorry I have to leave early. Have a nice trip, Niall! Thanks for the invite, man! Break a leg!" Adrian tells everyone and gives a side hug to Niall.

They proceed to the exit, Louis' hand on Adrian's back, guiding him.

When Louis comes back, everyone is smirking at him because he looks so smitten. Kate is the first to tease: "Are you in love yet?"

The whole table laughs loudly. Louis joins Harry on his side of the booth plopping with a pout.

"We all like him, Lou!" Harry tickles Louis' side and pulls his leg on his.

"Love is a big word." Louis sighs taking his drink and downing it in one go. "But I can't lie, he's a catch. There's something there."

"Whatever you decide, we support you, sweetie." Says Kate.

"Yeah, sweetie!" Repeats Liam.

"Yeah, sweetie!" Repeats all of them, even Louis.

This is an inside joke of their repeat game since teenage years. Some things don't change.

Louis nudges Harry with his leg under his: "Wanna stay at mine and help Niall pack tomorrow?"

Harry nods.

Okay, Niall has not much to pack, Niall's team with get everything ready, they just need an excuse to be together. They always do. Whenever Chloe is out of town and Louis doesn't have his one night stands, Harry always sleeps at his. It's been that way for years. Even when Chloe is in town, they need a Louis and Harry night every now and then.

Only they share a bed among the boys. The three others never want to share with others unless necessary. It's a dynamic.

They all bid each other goodbye around eleven and Louis and Harry ride with Niall.

Upon getting on the bed, Harry installs himself scrolling his phone while waiting for Louis to finish shower. He immediately feels uncomfortable with the smell of the quilt.

"Lou, are you sure Marissa changed the sheets?" He asks once Louis comes out of the shower with a towel around his waist. Marissa is Louis' house keeper.

"Yeah, why?" Louis answers while finding pajama shorts from his closet.

Harry stands and goes to the closet in search of new sheets. "The duvet smells like someone else, Adrian I think."

"Just change it." Louis turns and gets in bed watching Harry swapping the covers.

Harry lies next to him now and soon they find their position: Harry in Louis' arm. "Much better." Harry exhales closing his eyes slowly.

"Miss Chloe?" Louis asks him. They have fingers tangled.

"A little."

Then there is a pause. Louis thought Harry is already asleep when he suddenly asks: "Lou..."


"Are you serious about that threesome offer?" The nervousness in his voice is almost tangible.

Louis' chest gumbles as he tries to hold a laugh. "What?"

Harry shifts a little in his arm but still hiding from his eyes. "I'm asking if you were serious when you proposed to have threesome with us."

Another pause, which means Louis is waiting for him to continue.

"I mean, Chloe and I have talked and we both want to try something new, maybe spice up the relationship a bit. And it started as a joke, we remembered you when you said that but it got a little to our head and - "

"Haz, breathe, you're rambling!" Louis cuts him with a demanding tone. Adding a little pressure where their hands meet.

Harry sighs. "So yeah,... agrhh..." he groans feeling so shy.

"Hazza, that was a joke! And I can't believe any of you have it in you!" Louis huffs with a hint of challenge in his voice.

"But we want to! Neither of us have done it before, so we want to try!"

"And you decided to do it with me?" Louis fake gasps.

Harry slaps his chest and scolds: "You put the idea to our heads, dickhead!"

Louis catches his hand to stop the hits and giggles. "I can't believe I'm hearing this right."

"Well, it's just some fantasy." Harry whines.

"Hazza, baby, you are the most possessive person I know and my acquaintance is quite large! How are you thinking sharing Chloe with someone else is beneath me! That will kill you!"

Harry now turns his head to finally face Louis, chin on Louis' shoulder. "But it's only with you! Just once! It's not like we want polygamy! Just to experience!"

"Still! You are sharing her, Harry!"

"But with you!"

And Louis doesn't have anything much to say after that. Louis knows: that Harry has thought this through. That Harry is willing to share everything with him and this is like the ultimate proof. That Harry trusts him enough to pleasure him and his girlfriend. That Harry is so sure Louis will not steal his girl. That this will not destroy their friendship, just strenghtening it. That Harry was more nervous to say it than to do it.

But anyway, Harry has thought this through.

"Haz..." He starts. "I know you're sure but how about Chloe? Do you think she could handle it?"

"Lou, she's the first to suggest it. And she has always found you hot!"

They both chuckle.

"And I trust you both. Equally." Harry adds to reassure Louis.

"I don't know Harry..." Louis hesitates.

"Lou, either you do it with us, or we'll find someone else!" Harry now untangles his body from Louis'.

"You little shit!" And Louis catches him back. "Let me sleep on it."


Harry turns around, back to the initial position. He is Louis' little spoon.

"Night Hazza!"

"Night Lou!"

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