Chapter 17 - Twists and turns

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Two weeks have passed and things were back to almost normal. Almost because they really didn't talk unless necessary. It was also unintentional as Louis had to catch up on lots of things at work and Harry had to travel to the US for more business deals.

Louis sometimes think about Harry, if not always. The intimacy they had, how easily Harry submitted to him, how he made Harry drop twice. It's rare. It takes a lot for someone to drop but it came naturally to Harry.

More visual images of Harry goes through his mind sometimes: his blissed out face when he cum with head thrown back, that fire in his eyes that made Louis unable to deny him, the way his eyes rolled to the back from the pleasure, his cock hard lying against his stomach, his tattoos glistening in the dark, his mouth just open against Louis'.

And there are sounds too, his whimpers when he's overwhelmed, his deep groans when Louis hits his prostate, his pants against Louis' ear, his moans into Louis' mouth, the words "oh fuck, yeah" he used to hype Louis to pound into him, the way Louis' name rolls in his tongue,and especially those beggings that made Louis lose his control.

The smell, of his hair when Louis goes to kiss his forehead is fruity, of his breath against Louis' is minty, of his tobacco vanilla perfume lingering on his body, of his manly body is spicy, of his cum which is difficult to describe yet distinct.

Feels, of his bite on Louis' lips, his hard grip againts Louis' back at each thrust, how his heels dig into Louis, the squeeze of his hole during his orgasm, the sweat mushing together, the tears of his pleasure.

Louis can't believe he can remember that much about someone from one night. All of those things are like tattooed in his mind, he just needs to close his eyes to see or hear or smell or feel them. Unlike numerous lovers he had before Harry.

It doesn't help that he hasn't seen Harry for two weeks. Those memories are imprinted. They are Louis'.

He wonders if Harry struggles as much as he is. But as Harry easily promised him they won't do it again or anymore, he kind of gets the gist. It was nothing for Harry, just a moment of weakness. The choice was so easy for Harry and Harry assumed Louis would agree. Harry got it out of his system and has his life back.

Louis is happy Harry and Chloe are ok. But he hates himself for growing some kind of longing for someone. It's for Harry now, but he hasn't felt that for a very longtime. The need for more from the same person and hoping for a shared future.

So he tries to rationalize. Maybe it's not Harry, maybe he should date someone seriously again. Maybe that's what he missed, not really Harry perse. Maybe Harry was the little push he needed to open his heart to be in a relationship again.

So in a whim, it's decided. Back to dating market. Is Louis nervous? No, not at all. He just have to find someone and forget about Harry.

He thinks about all his previous hookups and selects anyone decent. Anybody who stood out to the others. The choice is not really difficult, he remembers Adrian. Non-problematic, mature, good sense of humour, and that lanky body. He totally wouldn't mind if they reconnect again.

He forces himself to be ready to move past the situation. He calls Adrian, tells him he couldn't stop thinking about him and sets a dinner date for them.

Louis is a little nervous, he hasn't put out emotionally for years. Even if he is confident, he can't help to think it's going to be awkward for him.

Adrian joins him at the restaurant. He looks particularly good. Louis is glad he's putting an effort. Louis welcomes him with a kiss on the cheek.

"I was surprised you called, to be honest I wasn't really counting on it anymore." Adrian starts once they're seated with a shy smile.

"I surprised myself! Not because you weren't worth it but how I couldn't really forget you." Very cheesy line, and a big fat lie but Louis is always forward.

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