Chapter 27 - Dance the night away

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Female striptease were for everyone in the club, Louis was feeling charitable. But male striptease is about to happen in a private room.

Harry's buzzing while Zayn leads him to the room, Louis and Niall following behind.

The door opens and the light is dimmed with some neon flickers, sensual music is already playing on the speaker and there is a chair in the middle of the room.

Three male dancers pull Harry to sit on the chair and start to dance around him. I starts simple but not even in 30 seconds, they're losing more and more clothes. Until they're all thrusting their body against Harry and he can't stop blushing and giggling.

The other boys sit in the corner and watch them, Niall recording everything unfold of course, while Louis and Zayn laugh and cheer at Harry. Liam is staying outside preparing the next act and entertaining the other guests.

Harry looks so chill and mostly unaffected but he's having fun, hands forced to roam through the dancers' bodies as per their request.

Zayn and Louis are betting on Harry's back if Harry's going to pop a boner by the end of the dance. Zayn is putting his money on no chance, but Louis insists otherwise. Louis is quite sure of himself as he's acquainted with Harry's orientation, he's now more than queer. Five hundred quid is how much they bet on.

By the end of the hotter than hell piece of dance even Louis gets horny looking from afar, and a kiss on the cheek for Harry from each of the dancers, one even mutters "See you later, lovely!" to him, Harry is stuck on his chair and the guys rush to high five him. Zayn and Louis are literally running to check on who's losing tonight.

Surprisingly, Harry looked flushed but nowhere erected. Louis groans so loud and turns to the nearest wall to punch few times.

"Pay up, Tommo!" Zayn exclaims with the biggest smirk.

Niall is having a belly laugh, he sensed the bet, while Harry is a bit confused.

Louis turns back. "Harry! Hazza! H! Whyyy?" He whines almost in dramatic tears.


"How...? Not even half hard?..." Louis raises his voice with his eyebrows. "How straight can you be to be not turned on by that?" He points out to the door where the dancers have gone out to.

"What?... I..." Harry chuckes embarrassingly. "I don't know..."

Louis huffs "Ugrhhh!" and takes out his wallet. "Goodbye five hundred." He fake cries. "All that because of Harry's broken penis."

"Heyyyy!" Harry shouts offended and both Zayn and Niall are dying in laughter. Zayn at the same time, is pocketing his well earned money. "My penis is not broken!"

Louis wants to retaliate but the dancers are back and move some chairs around so they all turn to look at them.

"Ha!" Louis yells, then points a finger to Harry. "Now you can show me my money's worth! Your last dare for the night, maybe, almost!" He states seriously and pulls Harry from his sit to take the chair and slumps himself on it, spreading his legs.

"This dare is a striptease to us and those gentlemen here." Niall informs Harry while taking a seat next to Louis where the dancers have arranged the chairs.

"Really?" Harry opens his mouth in shock.

"Really!" One of the dancers teases. "Give us your best, lovely!"

"A lap dance for each one of us and you're through." Zayn adds.

"Courage poison?" Another dancer asks from a small table and points at the shots in front of him.

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