Chapter 23 - Where do broken hearts go?

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The coming week feels messed up, royally. Louis is in a very conficted state of mind and it doesn't help when Zayn demands to see him.

It's only tuesday, they both meet at a football game, which makes Louis relax a little. Then drinks on Zayn because he knows Louis is a mess right now.

"Do I have to ask to get anything from you, mate?" Zayn says without any malice.

Louis of course sighs as he has to spill his guts. Might as well. "Harry didn't tell me about the engagement. I learnt it from the group chat." Then he gulps a mouthful of his beer.

Zayn does too. "You mean, you didn't know?"

Louis shakes his head, "Not until the last minute, I bet you even knew before me."

"I learnt it from Gi, Chloe called her, I think she told all the girls... But come to think of it, Harry didn't tell us either, so you're not alone."

"No, Zayn... I mean... HE never hinted he would propose, he didn't consult me about it. To be fair, he doesn't have to, it's just he used to tell me everything and the proposal could have been a topic, you know?"

Louis sounds so vulnerable and helpless. He knows that himself, it's very unlike him but he got it bad.

Zayn puts a hand on his shoulder for comfort. "That's messed up, mate! Last thing I knew they were also broken up, Chloe went to you and all, it's so unlike Harry."

"I can't deny, I'm bummed." Louis shakes his head again, just looking anywhere and lighting his cigarette.

"Sucks to be last to know but hey,..." Zayn catches Louis' attention. "This is what's supposed to happen, yeah? we knew they would end up together, she's good for H, that's what we want, right?"

How can Louis make Zayn understand without telling all his dark secrets? So he settles with just a "Yeah,..."

Zayn waits for him to continue.

He does. "But I can't help but feel shit, alright! I thought I meant more than that to him. We're Louis and Harry!"

"Yes, but he said it was rushed, maybe he just got an epiphany, bought the ring and proposed! It's sudden but it confirmed what he knew all along... And shouldn't you have this conversation with Harold?"

They both take a sip of their drink. "Harry is already fussing about the wedding, I'm not going to pile in my frustration. He can't know of this!" It downs to Louis, by the look of Zayn, Zayn would, so he corrects: "Zee, don't! okay? let it go! Let's just be happy for him."

"Are you though? clearly, it bothers you!"

"Zayn, lad, no! I'm hyped you're listening to me but don't do anything about this."

Zayn raises his hands in surrender and drinks. Louis relaxes a little, still having his mind reeling.

Zayn speaks up after a moment of silence where murmurs from the few crowds in the bar can be heard along the background music. "Maybe now is time for you to accept you won't be his priority anymore. I mean learn to be less codependent."

Louis is offended. "We're not fucking codependent! We're just like you and Liam! And I didn't see your relationship change when you married Gigi! What the fuck, mate?"

"Calm down, Lou! Also, Liam and I is nothing compared to you, you're attached to the hips! And yes, codependent!" Zayn lowers his voice so the next words won't be heard around the bar. "You had threesome with them to spice up their relationship! Who does that?"


"No way in hell I'd go anywhere near Liam's dick! Nor his girl's body! But you physically entered Harry's relationship! I mean,... oh shit! Is that why you felt left out?"

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