Chapter 13 - Face the music

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Turns out, away is joining Niall to his Asia tour. Louis is always one to blow things out of proportion while under pressure. Age came to him but that childish behaviour was always present whenever triggered.

This time, emotion is the trigger. Emotions. Two of them. Namely two people. Chloe, the one who, he feels, is slowly getting attached to him. And Harry, the one who, he is slowly catching feelings for.

He saw the signs for both. How Chloe found safety in him for her freedom, and how he found a submissive Harry the ideal man.

He was about to get to know Harry better but Chloe's kiss was a wake up call.

Louis Tomlinson doesn't do relationships, he doesn't catch feelings. Few shags and now, it is time for him to bail before things get ruined.

So, he takes the first flight to Singapore. Naturally.

Of course, he feels guilty. His best friend had his first drop because of him and he won't be there when he wakes up. But his best friend's girlfriend is slowly getting attached to him. And he's falling in love with his best friend. He's screwed.

He's banging his head throughout the flight on how's he going to get out of this situation.

Zayn will have his head the moment he'll come back to England because no matter what excuse he has, Zayn is aware he fleet, meaning he got himself into trouble and Zayn knows first hand this is his way to cope.

The moment the plane lands, his phone is blowing up. The airport is too big, he almost couldn't find the driver Niall sent. In the car, he checks: Work calls and messages plus, eleven missed calls from Harry. Three from Chloe.

"For fuck's sake!" He mutters. He presses diall to Harry who picks up at the first ring.

"Lou..." He sounds so weak. They both sigh at the same time.

"Hey, baby. You're okay?" Baby? Really? That's what he was running away from.

"Where are you?" Harry quietly asks.

"Something came up and I've been busy. I'm sorry." Louis tries to match Harry's calamity.

"I miss you."

Louis can't help but coo at him. Louis is a sucker for Harry's attention. "I miss you too, baby."

"Come here?" He asks hopefully.

"I can't for now. I have to help Niall but I'll be back, yeah?"


"I want you, Lou." He says breathlessly all of a sudden.

Louis curses himself because his problem is now in his phone, in Singapore. Might as well stayed in England.

"I'm in a car, Haz."

"But I want you." Harry doesn't care. He's spoiled like that, Louis spoils him.

Louis hears shuffling on the phone meaning Harry is moving on the bed. And by the sounds, he's taking off his underwear. He goes on: "I had you yesterday, and it was great." His voice now an octave deeper and Louis is chocking on his tongue. "It felt so good." Harry keeps going. "Your fingers worked so well inside of me." He slurs. "And I try now, but I don't know how to. My fingers are too much or not enough."

Louis is dead. His dick agrees just by Harry's voice and the mental image of Harry fingering himself.

Fortunately, he sees his hotel not far away. So he talks silently. "You liked it?"

Harry moans: "yeah, loved it." Louis gets off the car, his driver leads him to the elevator.

Harry continues. "I... I've never came that hard... the way you touched me was ... different ... good different... I want to feel it again... Lou... " He breathes in between sentence. He does something but it clearly is not working so he grows frustrated.

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