Chapter 28 - Calm before the storm

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Tall, muscular, blond hair, facial hair... Just Louis' type, takes the sit next to him, checking him out with a smirk. "Hey, stranger!"

"Hi!" Louis answers delightfully.

The man smiles at Louis' enthusiasm. "What you're doing here by yourself, handsome?" He's clearly tipsy so Louis doesn't mind the pet name. "Aren't you with the bachelor party? with that Niall singer and Zayn Malik?"

Now is Louis' turn to smirk. "Been watching me all night?"

Stranger grins seductively. "Caught me, and I'd really like a dance." with a stretch of his hand to take Louis'.

Louis doesn't mind, he'd really love to dance. His duty for the night is practically done so he's allowed to have his fun. He lets himself being pulled to the dance floor.

They start do dance and because the music is loud, the stranger leans to Louis' ear to say his name. "I'm Jason."

"Louis." Louis shouts over the music.

Jason approaches and aligns his body to Louis'. They swing in silence, just felling the music when Louis feels a hand tugging him.

Louis detaches himself from Jason and sees Harry clinging on his arm but staring at Jason uttering: "He's mine!"

Jason is quite the chill guy, so he just laughs. "Aren't you the groom to be?"

"Yeah, but Louis is mine!" Harry clings on Louis harder like he wants to prove a point, he's not that intimidating because he's pissed drunk.

Louis is amused by all this. "Okay, Haz! What do you need?"

"You, you're mine!" Harry pouts like he's asking for a kiss from Louis and Louis cackles.

"Find me later, Jason! I'm his!" Louis says as he winks at Jason but follows Harry's drag on his hand either way. Jason winks back.

Harry pulls him through the sea of people, by his arms like a kid. Shockingly, Harry leads him to the exit of the club so Louis has to stop him to ask.

"Harry? where are you taking me?"


Oh... But nobody left yet.

"Hazza, wait." Harry stops. "Everybody is still here for you, we haven't told them it's over yet."

Harry stomps his feet, literal child. "But I'm tired, I had fun but now I need to be in our bed."

Louis' about to retort 'there is no our bed' but it's futile due to Harry's intoxication. "Okay, let's just head back a bit to tell them goodbye and thank them then."

"Mkey..." Harry mumbles but makes no move to walk.

Louis has to tug him back. He sees Liam first and ask him to talk to the DJ to end their night.

Louis makes Harry sit on the bar stool waiting for the announcement.

"Harry Styles!" The DJ howls and everybody howls back.

"Harry would like to share his gratitude to every single one of you here! The night for him is over! That was quite the send off, buddy!" The DJ raises his glass to Harry's direction. "Have a blast at the wedding and wish you and your bride a lifelong full of happiness, what do we say?" He asks the audience.

The whole club chants "Congratulations Harry!"

After that, Harry is saying goodbye to everyone. Pats, hugs and kisses everywhere.

Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn get picked up by a limousine, like girls on a girls' night.

Louis and Liam are the last ones nearly standing, the other 3 are just spitting gibberish getting into the car.

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