Chapter 24 - It's okay to love them both

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Yesterday, Louis let Harry know about his feelings, a bit of it, all he could afford to show. Even without saying I love you, he's sure he has passed the message through. And Harry, being the kindest human alive, he just let Louis speak, then kissed him back, without any comment, surely because he didn't want to break his best friend's heart.

Harry kissed Louis back in desperation. If Louis gives space to his delusion, he'd say Harry reciprocated the feeling. But it might have been just Harry's sympathy towards Louis' broken heart.

Yes, it was passionate but it was a silent goodbye to whatever happened between them. Harry gave because Louis asked. It was everything Louis didn't want it to be.

Harry easily agreed for it to be the last, otherwise he would have insisted on talking. But his silence was a sign, his choice was clear.

He chose Chloe.

And Louis had his closure.

True to his words, Louis promises himself to be a best friend, no matter how much it will hurt.

He takes his phone and announced in their group chat: "It's official! I'm the best man! Wake the fuck up, you lots are in duty! Meet me today at mine @all except the groom. Should make another group chat, bye Mr Groom to be. Niall's bringing wine!"

Liam and Niall answer instantly with excitement.

Harry replies on the chat: "Not fair." but that's the end of it.


Evening comes, Niall is already in Louis' apartment when he arrives home.

"What do you want for dinner, Lou?" He calls from the living room.

"Anything's good! You're the only one here?" Louis shuffles out of his clothes, he sees Niall lying on the couch with the TV on.

"Yeah, Liam's on the way. Zayn texted he's on the way back from Picadilly."

Louis slumps on the sofa. "Cool. How's everything? Good to be home?"

"Yeah, of course, tour was fun but tiring. Same old same old."

"How's Amelia?"

"Good, she's in Italy for some corporate reasons."

"When's she back?"

"Saturday. Pasta okay?"

Louis shrugs. "Literally anything, lad. I don't mind."

"Done! Now come sit with me, mate." Niall eyes Louis' reaction. They both know what this is about. Louis sits down next to him without a fight. "Tell me how you feel."

Louis sits with his legs spread wide, head leaning to the back and facing the ceiling with a huge sigh. "There is nothing to say, Ni."

"What happened after Japan?" Niall hasn't talk to Louis one on one yet after the trip. "I just saw you uncomfortable at dinner so I'm sure there's something. What else happened?"

"Ugrhh!!!" Louis groans fisting the sofa. "Might as well tell you everything."

"Everything? How much is there to tell?"

"I still feel like shit so I'm just going to give you the debrief: I was not in on the proposal, I fell for him, I had one chance to tell him how I feel and he just acted like it was nothing." Louis really doesn't want to get into details that will make him overthink everything.

Niall gives a sympathetic pat. "Damn! Did he straight out say he doesn't feel the same or it was just for fun?"

"No... no..." Louis needs cigarettes. "Nothing like that, I told him how I felt and kissed him and he kissed back but he didn't say anything. Like at all..." It's hard to relive the memory. "It felt like those farewell kiss, you know?... shit man..."

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