Chapter 7 - Second time's a charm

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of Harry's concentrated face... his head tilt back... his twitching muscles... his eyes rolling up... his bunny teeth biting back his moans... his nose scrunch... his big hands with long fingers' hard grip... his clenched jaw then mouth open for a silent scream... his hooded eyes but fixing Louis' own...

These images has been playing in Louis' head for a few days.

It is common for him to remember bits of his sexual partners' actions. But Harry's were so clear like a movie that stills in his head. And everytime they pass, they bring a wave of lust and want.

It was the first image in his head the time he woke up the next day of the threesome. He remembered more when Harry called on the phone later the same day to thank him and to say that Chloe is okay.

And day by day, as the opposite of forgetting, the images were even more vivid. Maybe because he has never seen Harry in that light before. It's obvious Harry is hot and Louis has witnessed people throwing themselves at Harry left and right. But he himself have never felt any particular attraction other than platonic friendship.

He has seen Harry in every state possible these ten years. Nothing Harry did would surprise him anymore. And even the few times they caught each other jerking off never lead to any thought.

Yet here he is, replaying Harry's eye contact. That's the one that stood out the most. They have always been able to communicate with a glance but the ones Harry gave him this time was a new kind. It was like telling Louis how good he feels, a plead for more, but also like giving a show to Louis only. He was enticing Louis and Louis felt enchanted.

That's the word. Enchanted. Because Louis can't explain how he cannot shut those images of Harry. Or how he remembers Chloe but doesn't feel the same for her.

Louis and Harry didn't even touch, yet it was insane how Louis' whole body felt the gaze intensely. He's sure now as well as his soul.

Yet, he didn't fret much. Harry has always been special to him. These images are on repeat but soon they will go away. He'd be back to his routine of busy life and work on the next shag.


Louis and Harry night came sooner than expected. Harry also deems right they need a talk about what happened, just the two of them. Just getting it out their system so there is no awkward tension whenever.

It's strange because Louis never talk to his one night stands or dates afterwards but this is Harry. It's the healthy thing to do. To make sure it didn't affect their friendship.

Harry cooks for them both, the only times Louis' kitchen is being used. They share the meal happily. They still both catch up on their work and emails after dinner, deciding to talk when they come to bed.

"So tell me about that first threesome experience you had, curly!" Louis teases as he puts his phone away and leans against the headboard.

Harry giggles. He's lying on the bed but on his elbows. "Aren't you a curious cat? It was great!"

"Just great?"

"Okay, it was amazing!" Harry looks up to him a little and there is a hint of memory in Harry's eyes.

Glad Louis was not the only one affected by these memories.

"How's Chloe?" Louis asks because that is the most important part of this conversation.

"She was mindblowned! She instantly fell asleep when I put her to bed. Only the next morning she told me it was." Harry has a smile on his face sharing that. "She said it was sensation overload but in a good way, she had the time of her life but at the same time felt safe and comfortable with the both of us."

Louis agrees...

"Her highlight was how you manhandled her at your first kiss." Harry laughs at his own words and Louis lifts his brows in pride. "That was so hot, Lou, I lost all doubt of it not working the moment she sat on you."

"Was it?" Louis smugly teases.

"It was! I'm telling you! It was worthy of a porn movie!" Harry turns to his back and uses his hand to go through his hair feeling a little timid.

"What's yours then? Your highlight?"

Harry hesitates, looks at the ceiling like searching for an answer. "I think it was all, the whole lot, like having my bestfriend and my girlfriend that way. I can't wait to do it again."


"What?" Louis looks down at Harry in pure disbelief.

Harry looks up. "We're gonna do it again right?"


"Why not? Was it bad for you?" Harry now lifts himself to sit at the situation, facing Louis so he doesn't miss the answer Louis was going go give.

Louis caught up. "Oh, no, no, Haz, sorry, I didn't mean it that way. It was great for me too but I thought you both wanted to do it once, just to have a try." He instantly takes Harry's hand because he knows he just shook Harry's confidence.

"It was that good, we want to do it again!" Harry retracts his hand with untrusting eyes. "Or were we just the same as your hook ups?"

Louis knows so well where this conversation is going. Harry won't stop until he gets what he wants, even by guilt trapping Louis. And this time, he wants Louis in his bed with his girlfriend no matter how ridiculous that sounds.

"Come here!" He beckons Harry to his arm.

Harry suffles willingly and put himself by his side, head on Louis' shoulder.

"You are special to me Haz, both of you. Don't ever compare yourself to any of my meaningless sex partners. Ever!" Louis presses on his shoulder for emphasis. "It just took me by surprise you wanted to do it again. Does Chloe think the same?"

Harry nods rapidly. "Of course she does, otherwise I wouldn't tell you that."

Louis sighs... "Okay, we're doing it again, then."

"Louuuuu..." Harry whines. "I want you to want to do it, not feeling obliged because of us!"

"Don't worry, baby, I do. I enjoy as much ordering you two around."

They both chuckle.

"Hot, hot, hot damn!" Harry adds. "Maybe you want to take Chloe next time?" He raises his eyes to see Louis.

"You okay with that?"

Harry nods rapidly the second time. "I am, and so is she. She'll get the full experience."

"The full experience is when we both have our dicks deep inside her holes, H." Louis says nonchalantly.

Harry detaches his body and freezes. Which made Louis laugh. Harry's eyes are so wide.

Louis raises a brow: "What? You didn't know that was possible or what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Ahh... hmm..."

"Cat got your tongue, baby?"

Harry launches himself into Louis' chest with both palms on his face. He just got overwhelmed by that piece of information.

Louis laughs harder and soothes his back with little pats.

"I knew that but... can we do that?" Harry asks with his voice muffled into Louis' chest with embarrassment for wanting it.

"Yeah,... I mean let's see how comfortable Chloe is. Not the next time but that's always a possibility."

"Okay..." Harry lifts his head with battled hair and pink cheeks.

Louis pets his colored cheeks with both hands and kiss his forehead. A kiss that means: there is nothing to be shy and embarassed about, I'll take care of it and trust me.

They lie down to sleep, turn off all lights, Harry the little spoon as usual.

Sex is sex. Louis enjoys sex. He's a giver, what can you say. Everything is okay. Right?

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