Chapter 29 - NO CONTROL

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[The title says it all! Comment if you're here?]

Waking up beside Harry has Louis' mind reeling. Their bodies are not touching except one of each feet tangled in the middle, they're both on their fronts, face away from one another, but Louis can feel Harry's warmth. He checks the time from his bedside table, and it's eleven forty in the morning, almost noon. He can hear voices echoing from outside, he knows the other boys are awake, at least two of them but he can't make out who, he doesn't care, he feels a bit hangover. They agreed on sleeping the day off and Louis would really like to spend that time in bed with Harry. If nothing but talking or sleeping, he wouldn't mind because he knows it's one of the lasts.

Harry will be a husband, and soon enough, he will be a dad, everything is about to change, so don't blame Louis for holding onto him a bit more. He's sure Harry will not be allowed for sleepovers anymore, that Chloe will for sure keep him away after the wedding.

Well, better that than having Chloe pinning and chasing after Louis.

He's losing both of them. Though he doesn't mind losing Chloe, it's aching his bones to be deprived of Harry.

So he turns his head to look at Harry, who is still on his front, face away from Louis. In the dark room, Louis' gaze falls into his hair, so soft against the pillow, then to his folded arm with tattoos and just the right amount of muscle, then to his back, skin so smooth Louis ought to caress,...

Harry shifts then, waking up slowly, turning his head and blinks when seeing Louis in front of him. Hangover written all over his face, but accompanied by a content smile. "Morning..." His deep voice slurs.

Louis hums in acknowledgment and smiles back. None of them is speaking, just trying to fight the remaining sleep.

Realizations, surely of the last night, are apparently seeping in Harry's eyes. Then the smile turns into a grin and then into a chuckle.

"You're such a dork!" Louis teases as he rotates to pick to bottles of water on the nightstand to hand one to Harry.

Harry takes it and sits up to gulp all of the bottle's content, then puts the bottle on his side of the bed. Louis does the same himself.

The room is still dark. Only a few rays of sunshine go through the curtains but Louis can see Harry leaning back and closer to him, then hides into his neck, muffling words.

"What?" Louis asks as he heard nothing of what Harry mumbled.

"I said do you remember what you promised me?" Harry hasn't lifted his head, just worded the sentence clearer.

Louis is aware of what kind of promise it is but nonchalantly responds: "Yes, I do, young Harold, though," Harry shakes his head, but Louis goes on, "your pass has expired."


"Yes, we had until the end of the night and look! It is now the next day, almost afternoon." Louis tries, but his heart is beating faster, afraid of what will happen, he's sure his hands around Harry are claming.

However, Harry's mind is set up as he starts to breathe on Louis' sweet spot. "No,... can't be..." Harry instinctively knows his ways to arouse Louis as it seems. "Never want it to end... I still can,..." He noses at Louis' ear and neck. "Please Lou..."

Louis intends to resist but he's pinned by the love of his life, begging in his ear, and he's been here so many times by Harry, the helplessness facing what you can't have.

So this time, he chooses to be quiet and let Harry take whatever he wants. In silent agreement, he angles his head better to give Harry access.

Harry takes the hint and starts to kiss there, featherlight touches of his lips along Louis' neck. The weight of his body is getting heavier as he slowly climbs Louis. When he's eye level to Louis, he looks at him with so much lust in his eyes and closes the distance. He kisses Louis and Louis' grip on him tightens as his hands go up to Louis' face. Tongues twist against each other and the first moan comes from Louis.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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