Secret Bunker

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Raven and Jaycee were working on the Ark, making improvements. While working, Bellamy and Clarke walked in.

"Two meals a day for people working as hard as ours, we won't make any friends." Bellamy said putting rations on the table.

Clarke walked behind him "Well, if there's one thing our people understand, it's rationing." She looked at him, "Besides, once we close those doors, it'll be one meal a day for the next five years."

Raven climbed down for the ladder as she pulled off the mask from face, "Try one meal every other day. Hunting parties are coming back with less and less.
Thanks to your friend Niylah, we're preserving more meat than ever. But it's still not enough." Raven told them.

Jaycee walked next to them, standing between Bellamy and Raven, "Yeah, I mean without a way to make water, growing our own protein like we did on the Ark is not an option. Remember that when we're starving." Jaycee told them.

Bellamy looked at Clarke "I won't be starving because I won't be inside." Jaycee looked at him, "fine, then I won't be either,"

Bellamy looked at the girl, before he could respond to her, Clarke interrupted him.

"Yes, you will." She looked at Jaycee "you both will, Nova needs you guys, more than ever since Lincoln and Lily, are gone..." she hesitantly said.

"Yeah, and whose fault is it that Lily died." Jaycee mumbled.

Raven changed the subject "Does that mean you made the list?"

Clarke    shook her head, "No. What about drinking water?"

Raven rolled her eyes, "Clarke, don't change the subject. We need to know who's gonna be on the inside of these doors when the radiation comes."

Clarke sighed, "We don't need to know now."

All of a sudden, a man on the P.A spoke "We need some medical help at the front gate. Looks like we got some sick people here."

Jaycee looked at everyone as she was one of the first people to leave the room.


Jaycee finally made it out, she started to push the guards out of her way, once she did she saw Nyko and Luna.

Clarke walked passed the guards who were pointing guns at them, "Nyko" Clarke walked up to them slowly.

Jaycee was next to Miller and Bellamy, "What if it's a grounder attack like they did with Murphy?" Miller asked Bellamy quietly.

"I don't think this is the same. They would have been bleeding from the eyes and nose" Jay told him.

Clarke stood her distance but was still concerned "What happened to them?" She asked Nyko.

Nyko looked at her "The sickness. We lost more than 40 on the way."

Bellamy and Jay walked next to Clarke. Jay heard someone cough, she then saw someone she hadn't seen in a while "Luna?" Jaycee asked in confusion.

Luna looked at her as she finished coughing. "Please don't turn us away because of what I did to you."

Out of the blue, Abby came out to help them, "Out of my way. Please let me through."

Clarke looked at her mother "Mom. What is this?"

Abby went to go check the little grounder girl, to see what they had. She looked at Clarke "Fever, lesions, vomiting...It's ARS." She said.

Bellamy looked at the older Griffin "What's ARS?"

Abby looked at him, "Acute radiation sickness."

Clarke stood up to stand next to the others.

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