Pandora's Box

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Jaycee and Raven were typing away on the computer, Murphy had come back from checking the prisoners who were in cryo-sleep.
"They're all still asleep." Murphy walked behind Jaycee.

Jaycee had told Murphy that he didn't need to check on them often, "Jaycee told you, you don't have to go all the way down there. See for yourself." She pointed to her screen. "The sleeping prisoners are green. As Monty would say, green is good. The empty pods where the crew slept are red. Red is --"

"Dead" Murphy finished her sentence.

Raven nodded, "Yes. That includes out friend Kodiak. Anyways, it's handled. The only one waking them up now is Jaycee and I,"

Murphy looked at Raven, she had her face on, "If it's handled, why do you still have that Raven work face on?" Murphy asked as he walked in front of Raven, leaning on the table that was in front of him.

Raven continued to type, "Because while you were wandering aimlessly, I was trying to figure out who we're dealing with down there. She looks familiar?" Raven pointed at her computer, Jaycee walked behind Raven and looked at her.

Murphy looked at the picture as well, "It's the woman from the captain's log."

"Colonel Charmaine Diyoza. She was something they called a navy seal, was decorated for valor three times." Jaycee read off the screen.

Murphy looked at the mechanics, "I don't understand. How does a war hero end up leading a mutiny on board a prison ship?"

Raven looked at the screen before answering Murphy question, "Good question. She became a terrorist--bombing campaigns, assassinations. At the time of her arrest, she was the most wanted criminal in the world." Jaycee groaned; she really didn't want to deal with the dangerous criminal in the world.

"Well, I say she's a psycho," Jaycee threw out jazz hands.

Murphy looked at Jay, "Oh, she's a psycho and we're threatening to kill her people. What could go wrong?" He said sarcastically.

The radio turned on, "Raven, can you hear me? Come in."

Raven grabbed the radio, "Tell me everyone's okay."

Bellamy's voice was heard once again, "Everyone's okay. We reached a deal with the people from that ship, and, by the way, the Laser-comm's an open line, so they can hear every word we say."

Murphy grabbed the radio and spoke into it, "Nice to meet you. We're not bad people. We--" Jaycee looked at him with an annoyed face. She took away the radio from him.

"Guys, keep him away from the radio." Bellamy said.

Jaycee was the next one to speak, "Copy that."

"Anyway, they know the rules, but just to be safe, Colonel Diyoza, here they are again. If anyone tries to get around your security, you pull the plug. If anyone does anything that wasn't agreed upon, you pull the plug, and if you don't hear from me every hour on the hour, you pull the plug." Bellamy stated. Jaycee knew it was a lot, but it was for her people.

"Is that all?" Jaycee asked.

Bellamy was smiling over the radio, he knew that they couldn't him, but he still did anyway, "No that's not all. Someone wants to say hello."

Jaycee was waiting for someone to say anything, she was hoping it was Nova, but she was wrong, it was someone she had been dead for the past 6 years, "Jaycee, Raven, Murphy, it's really good to hear your voices."

Jaycee was beyond shocked.

"Clarke? I don't believe it." Raven said with a guilt free expression.

Murphy rolled his eyes playfully and smirked as he grabbed Jaycee's hand to put the radio near his mouth for him to speak, "Jeez, and they call me the cockroach."

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