Chapter 11-20

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  Chapter 11

  During the summer harvest in the village, all men, women and children in the village have to work. Harvesting wheat is counted as work points. Usually a young daughter-in-law in the village works for seven work points a day. As long as she works hard and is not lazy during the wheat harvest, the village accountant will deduct nine work points. Work points, now there are two more work points, which is equivalent to earning 3 cents more per day. Isn't that exciting?

  Therefore, every summer and autumn harvest, the old party secretary in the village does not need to hold the trumpet and shout, the villagers will take the guy with their families and rush to the fields.

  Even so, Wen Yue and Song Tinglan didn't care about these few cents.

  Since the old Wen family was separated, the Wen family has added a little grandson. The team leader's wife has been busy like a top all day long, taking care of the three meals for the whole family and washing the grandson's diapers. I don't have time to come to the old house to help my daughter.

  My mother is on strike. Wen Yue, who used to have no fingers in the sun, can only become a housekeeper. She mends, washes, dusts and cleans all day long, carries water and firewood, and stays up late to prepare and approve the homework submitted by the students. That guy is tired. Wiping away tears, Song Tinglan was also miserable. He was an educated youth who went to the countryside. Even if he was engaged to Wen Yue, he could not live in the spacious old house of the Wen family. He had to crowd into the village with the educated youths. The two dark and damp yellow mud rooms.

  It's rainy in summer, and there is a small pond behind Zhiqingdian's house. When the rain pours in, you can hear the sound of frogs at night, mixed with the noisy frogs. I can't sleep at all. There are mosquitoes buzzing in my ears on the stuffy earthen bed. ring.

  Song Tinglan originally wanted to go to the city to buy a mosquito net, but he had no choice but to give up because he was short of money. Every morning when he woke up, his legs were covered with large, red and itchy mosquito bites. If he scratched them twice, the whistle would sound. He went to work, working mechanically every day, and then he fell into bed with soreness and backache after work. He couldn't even talk, let alone flirting with Wen Yue.

  The young couple were busy with their own affairs and were in peace.

  Who would have thought that there would be trouble in the plains. Before the old Wen family split up, in the past, Wen Yue did not have to go to the fields to harvest wheat in the village. After all, she was the little girl he had pampered for so many years, and the captain could not afford to raise her.

  Things are different now. Isn't this a family separation? Each of the Wen family has several houses to take care of. Without the protection of his father and brother, Wen Yue has to work in the fields with the villagers this year to earn work points.

  The brigade captain's wife wanted to plead for her daughter, but the brigade captain scolded her, "I feel so bad! What's wrong with working in the fields? Other girls in the village can do it, but she can't? Ku Lei also made her own choice, even if she has tears in her belly, I swallow it!"

  There was uncontrollable anger and disappointment in the captain's voice, and he said coldly to Wen Yue, "I didn't say anything, but you will get up early at four o'clock tomorrow morning to participate in the wheat harvest with the villagers!"

  Going to work at four o'clock? !

  Isn't it still dark?

  Wen Yue's expression suddenly changed.

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