Chapter 81-90

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  Chapter 81

  Although getting married these days is not as luxurious as in later generations, it cannot be done carelessly.

  Meng Ting's parents are both cadres. He and He Wei held a simple engagement party in the capital, but they wanted to hold the wedding banquet in the army.

  The Meng family parents are also very open-minded and open-minded. The two elders were not unhappy about this and readily agreed. As parents, they felt that marriage was a matter for their children and it was up to the children to make their own decisions.

  When He Wei's parents found out about this, they were also happy from ear to ear. While they were pleased that their daughter had married into a good family, they also carefully prepared a dowry for their daughter.

  Housing on the island has been in short supply in recent years, and the number of family members coming to the island to accompany the army has increased year by year. Later, many family members of regimental and battalion-level cadres were not able to get independent houses, so they had to temporarily squeeze in In the military dormitory building.

  Meng Ting is a smart guy. He reported to the army half a year in advance. He was still single at that time and had no partner, so he started worrying about the marriage room.

  It was his good luck. It happened that the third battalion commander of the artillery regiment was promoted to Haicheng as deputy commander, and the small courtyard where his family lived was freed up, which happened to be "picked up" by Meng Ting.

  Political Commissar Meng took the keys to the house from the army service office and immediately worked non-stop to build a new home. Zhao Chunhua and the sisters-in-law on the street often took time to help.

  The troops are all big boys, they can do rough work with rough hands and feet, but forget about the rest.

  In spring, the eyes are warm, and several peach blossom trees on the island are tremblingly blooming. With the sound of waves on the sea, Songsha Island, which has been silent for a cold winter, finally becomes noisy again.

  Tiedan and Dahu Gangzi were like runaway monkeys. They lost their schoolbags and ran to the beach after school in the afternoon.

  Although the fish on the sea at this time are not as big as in summer, they taste first-class fresh.

  The children on the island have eaten cabbage, radish, and pickled fish all winter. They have long wanted to change their taste. Now one fishing boat is going out to sea, and the monkeys are waiting eagerly with buckets, salmon, They couldn't catch bass or anything like that, but they could still buy two small miscellaneous fish like mullet and yellow croaker.

  No, the brat Tiedan had just gone out for a while, and happily brought back a bucket of lively fresh fish. Niu Niu led Chen Chen over and took a look. The three snackers were laughing at the fish in the bucket. .

  Zhao Chunhua went to Meng Ting's new house. Lin Man and Tiantian were taking a nap in the house, and they were shaken awake by the three cubs.

  Lin Man was asleep and looked confused: "What's wrong?"

  Tiedan opened the door straight to the point and grinned, "Auntie, we have fish at home."

  Niu Niu gave her brother a small roll of her eyes and thought to herself, why is my brother so stupid? Then she ran to the table like a puppy and got a glass of cold water, "Auntie, drink some water."

  Lin Man was so moved in her heart that she took it and took a big sip, "It's so sweet."

  My eldest girl is still sensible and considerate!

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