Chapter 41-50

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  Chapter 41

  Because of the farce just now, Meng Ting was deeply affected. Even during the meeting of the regiment headquarters, he still looked weak.

  After the meeting, the regimental leader said that the report of joining the army of Lu Zhou's family members had been approved. A battalion commander of the artillery regiment was recovering from an injury. The family was going back to his hometown. A small courtyard had just been vacated, which could be allocated to the old man. Lu family.

  You must know that housing is tight on the island now, and there are many cadres and their families waiting in line to be allocated a house. If you are not lucky, some may not be able to get a house after waiting for several months.

  Lu Zhou just missed it. According to the normal process, the old Lu family will not be able to get a house next year!

  Such good luck, even the old group leader lamented, this little brat is really lucky!

  When he came out of the regimental leader's office, Lu Zhou was in a good mood, which was visible to the naked eye. This person, who usually had a handsome and stern face, could not suppress the smile at the corner of his mouth at this moment. Political Commissar Meng saw it, and he was sour again. ‌It's like old sauerkraut that has been pickled for 20 years. The whole person is sizzling and sour.

  Lu Zhou didn't have time to pay attention to this guy. After the meeting, he went to the orderly, got the key to the small courtyard, and wanted to take a look at the small courtyard.

  Meng Ting is a single dog and is used to being with Lu Zhou, but this other person is most afraid of being alone. Except for sleeping with Lu Zhou at night, he spends the rest of the time with Lu Zhou at the battalion headquarters. When he was with the battalion commander, he would either make jokes or smile playfully. Anyway, Lu Zhou didn't ignore him completely. He would occasionally say a few words of sympathy and let this guy enjoy himself.

  Now Lu Zhou was going to see the house, so he naturally wanted to go with him.

  The houses on Songsha Island were built before liberation. The Kuomintang troops used to be stationed here. Later, after the founding of New China, it has been going through ups and downs for more than ten years. From the outside, they look like the houses of the surrounding people. There is no difference between the stone houses, with a simple bamboo fence, red bricks and black tiles, and the old red walls are covered with flower vines.

  Then I looked at the half-painted wooden door and saw that in the middle of the small courtyard was a small road paved with blue bricks. There were the main house and five tile-roofed houses in the east, west, north and south. There was a small kitchen on the east side of the yard with earthen walls. It was smoky from cooking for many years, and the roofs above the east and west buildings also showed signs of leakage. It looked like we had to find someone to repair the roofs.

  There is a well drilled next to the kitchen. The wooden pulley on top, the hemp rope and the wooden bucket used to carry water can all show traces of time. It seems that it has been used for many years. There is also a shack in the backyard. There are miscellaneous things underneath. There is a tall osmanthus tree and three or five apple and pear trees near the corner.

  The battalion commander's family also cultivated a small vegetable plot, but the vegetables in the vegetable plot were all pulled out. This is human nature. It is normal for people to move and pick the vegetables they grow. , otherwise it would be a waste to leave it in the ground.

  Lu Zhou was looking at the small courtyard but he hadn't said anything yet. Meng Ting walked around outside the courtyard with his hands behind his back and commented, "The courtyard is paved with blue bricks. It's not bad. I won't be afraid of rain in the future. What's the main house like?" None, tsk, there is only one table left. The kitchen has not been cleaned, and there is still dust on the stove. There are many houses, and they are quite big. Hehe, there are five rooms. Lao Luxing, you are lucky. If you give birth to a baby, don't be afraid that there will be no place to let it go..."

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