Chapter 91-100

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  Chapter 91

  Meng Ting ate a mouthful of ashes, and it was useless to jump around and act. Lu Zhou and his wife had already left far away, so they could only return home with a shameful face.

  He thought to himself, Okay, you shady and petty old Lu, we have been brothers for so many years, why are you teasing you?

  I really forgot about my brothers when I had a wife.

  Meng Ting returned home and was about to say something to He Wei.

  Unexpectedly, Lao Meng's family was also in chaos.

  Originally, the Meng family's backyard was a vegetable field. He Wei grew up in the courtyard, let alone growing vegetables. When she first married and moved to the island, she didn't even know whether the fields were growing wheat or wheat. I can't even tell the difference between leeks.

  There was even a joke made about this. The sister-in-law on the island didn't say it on the face, but secretly she said that this little daughter-in-law from the city would probably go back to her parents' home crying in a short time. .

  He Wei looks soft on the outside but is strong and courageous on the inside. The more people outside look down on her, the more she holds her breath and wants to live a better life!

  No, it only took two or three years after I married on the island. The lush vegetable patch in the small yard of Lao Meng's family was replanted. A chicken and duck pen was built in the corner and they raised five or six chickens and three ducks. .

  The Meng family of three is self-sufficient, and they don't even have to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy eggs.

  Before Meng Ting went home, He Weigang got off work from the health center and went to the Yuhong Class to pick up the fat boy Meng Zhouzhou and take him home.

  The sea breeze was strong on Kasuga Island. Like the sisters-in-law on the island, He Wei wrapped her head in a silk scarf and held Meng Zhouzhou in her arms.

  Little Fatty Meng was dishonest. He would either reach out and pull Ma Ma's braids, or grab the white gauze scarf around He Wei's neck and stuff it into his mouth while laughing... He Wei was so angry that he was so tired.

  When the couple got home, He Wei took out the key and opened the door, put Xiaopang Meng on the sofa, and poured herself a glass of boiled water.

  Meng Xiaopang stuck out his little butt and twisted his short legs to go to the kitchen.

  Hee hee, there are delicious big chicken legs in the kitchen!

  When the mother Xun Sheng arrived, it was too late.

  The originally clean kitchen was in a mess. The chicken drumsticks that had been marinated last night were missing. Meng Xiaopang had a fat chicken drumstick in his hand, surrounded by splashes of soup. Little Fatty. Sitting on the dirty ground, my little mouth was oily after eating.


  One second later, Lao Meng's family burst out with a Hedong lion roar, "Meng Ting, you bastard, look at the little cub you raised!"

  Meng Ting, who had just stepped into the house: "..."

  In the end, Political Commissar Meng and his son were kicked out of the house by their daughter-in-law.

  In the cold wind of early spring, Meng Ting, who looked around and felt confused, could only stare at Xiaopang Meng.

  Meng Ting gritted his teeth, "You brat, look at the good things you've done!"

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