Chapter 101-111 (end)

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  Chapter 101

  It was sunny and windy when we arrived, but it was windy and rainy on the way home.

  The day after the old Lu family got on the train, it started pouring rain outside, and the train track was filled with white water vapor.

  Fortunately, on the day we arrived in Haicheng, the rain outside stopped early, but it was windy outside, mixed with scattered light raindrops, making walking on the street wet and cold.

  Lin Man wrapped the two little ones into balls, and did not forget to tie a scarf for Niu Niu, and told Tiedan to put on a hat.

  This is not a provincial capital, and it's rainy and cold in Haicheng in October.

  Lu Zhou was still working as a coolie, carrying the family's large and small bags in his hands, and walking with wind.

  The family followed the flow of people getting off the train and got on the bus to the pier.

  It rained today, so not many people went to Songsha Island, and there were many empty seats on the passenger ship.

  Lu Zhou bought tickets for the whole family and dragged them on board.

  The passenger ship bumped in the waves for two hours, and finally arrived home.

  As soon as the courtyard door opened, Zhao Chunhua didn't bother to rest and hurriedly went to see her chickens, ducks and geese. Before leaving, Lin Man carried a pound of mung bean cake and asked Sister-in-law Tang next door to take care of the house.

  There is no big job on the island, it's just helping to feed the chickens, ducks and livestock.

  Sister-in-law Tang is a down-to-earth person. Over the years, the two families have gotten along like one family. Besides, she even ate the old Lu family's mung bean cake.

  My sister-in-law rolls two sieves of corn stalks every day, mixes them with old cabbage and rice bran, and feeds the chickens, ducks and geese vigorously, and cleans the livestock pens every two days.

  Zhao Chunhua went over and took a look, and saw that the rows of chicken and duck nests in the yard were clean. She had been away from home for a few days, and the chickens and ducks were flapping their wings and squawking in the nests.

  The little old lady was very satisfied, washed her hands and face, sat on the small bench at the door of the house to rest, and picked up the sewing basket to collect the soles of her shoes.

  In the October weather, the only green cabbages, leeks, and pumpkin seedlings left in the vegetable patch in Lu's courtyard were still green, and two or three large yellow pumpkins hung in the corners.

  Tiedan came home carrying the sleepy Tiantian on his back. The fat girl saw it and didn't forget to yell about eating pumpkin pie at night.

  Lin Man took the gourd and gourd to water the flowers. After hearing this, she stood up and clapped her hands, "Okay, I'll make it for you tomorrow."

  She couldn't do it today. After taking the train for two or three days, she just wanted to take a hot bath and sleep.

  Tiantian happily said "Yeah", narrowed her eyes and carried her to the house for her brother.

  The youngest in the family is a foodie, but the three older ones are considerate children.

  There was dust on the sofa and coffee table in the living room. Niu Niu came over with a wet rag to wipe it. Chenchen was heating hot water and Tiedan in the kitchen. Tiantian couldn't be idle and dragged a small broom to sweep the floor in the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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