Chapter 61-70

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  Chapter 61

  Lin Kun's letter was different from the usual one this time, and he wrote two large letters. First, he expressed his joy at being promoted to uncle, and then he praised the twins who were worthy of being the sons of their old Lin family. Chenchen's serious little eyebrows, and With Tiantian's delicate little face, she looks nothing like his uncle.

  Lin Man: "???"

  The mother couldn't help but turn her head to look at the two cubs who were eating and drinking enough and lying lazily on the small bed blowing bubbles. Look at Comrade Lu Xiaochen's little eyebrows that are so sparse that they are almost invisible? Looking at the chubby little girl Tiantian's face again, her eyes were twitching, and she couldn't tell that the two boys looked anything like their uncles.

  Forget it, she should continue reading the letter and see where the future aunt her brother is looking for for the two children is?

  --Her brother brought home the juicy cabbage.

  You won't know if you don't look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

  The girl that Lin Kun fell in love with was actually Kong Ya, a member of Dean Kong's family who grew up with the same university dean as them.

  Kong Ya, like Lin Man, has been a beautiful little girl known far and wide in the courtyard since she was a child. The difference between the two is that if Lin Man is a bright and shining peony, then Kong Ya is a delicate and lovely peony. The innocent little white flower is different from the pretentious Wen Yue. She is a well-protected and inexperienced little girl raised in a real big family.

  In the past, when she was in the compound, her brother would flirt with Kong Ya whenever he had nothing to do. He would either pull her pigtails, or he would casually appear in front of the girl on the way home from school...

  Okay, it turns out this guy has been eyeing this little girl for a long time.

  In total, Kong Ya is one year younger than Lin Man. I heard that Kong's parents were also sent to the cowshed for labor reform. It seems that Kong Ya went to Peking University's deserted farm? Wouldn't that be in the same place as Lin Kun?

  --Well, it turns out that her brother is the first to get the moon near the water, the girl is only twenty years old, and this guy is already twenty-seven years old, tsk, he is quite thick-skinned.

  After Lin Man complained about her brother in her heart, she suddenly remembered that her camp commander Lu was also an old cow eating young grass.


  A light rain last night lasted until noon. After lunch, the light rain that was originally as dense as a bead curtain slowly stopped.

  The sun rises after the rain, and the red bricks and black tiles of Songsha Island are clear. In the golden autumn, the remaining osmanthus leaves on the roadside are green and clear from the rain.

  At three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Man took a comfortable nap for the first time in a long time. Since two little things, Chenchen and Tiantian, were added to the house, she was busy changing diapers, feeding babies, washing diapers and washing clothes every day. Hey, she was busy I have forgotten what the leisurely and contented life was like in the past.

  Lin Man took a breath of the fresh air after the rain, braided her long loose hair into a braid, and pulled on her slippers to the main room.

  Tiedan and Niuniu had already returned home from school, and the twins were still sleeping soundly. The brother and sister had no younger siblings to amuse, so they ran to the yard to feed their mother rabbit.

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