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A/N sorry it took so long I had work!

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A/N sorry it took so long I had work!

"STAKING OUT THE Salvatore home Nik?" Lorena looked to her husband with her arms crossed.

"The coffins are there I know it."

"Even if they are Bonnie probably has them cloaked to where we wouldn't have access to them." Lorena sighed.

Klaus had just come back from helping Caroline, he had healed her werewolf bite. Lorena had no problem with the girl like she did the others.

"Okay. Let's go then." She got up from her seat.

"Go?" He asked her confused.

"Let's go wait for the Salvatore's in their home, catch them off guard."

Klaus smirked getting up and grabbing his wife's hand. Speeding all the way to the home.


To say the couple had gotten comfortable was an understatement. Klaus had blasted music and poured himself a drink, before he sat Lorena next to him as she kicked her legs over his lap.

"I want a couch like this Nik." Lorena had been going on about how the inside of the home looked. Wanting her home not to be so gloomy and more glamorous.

"They just love dark colors." She shook her head.

The door opened and Lorena watched as Stefan walked in the house Klaus's gaze kept straight as he ignored it. Taking a sip from his drink.

Stefan walked past the two and grabbed the remote turning the music down.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked.

"Enjoying our stalemate."

"What do you want?" Stefan said looking down at the two.

"Question Is what do you want." Klaus paused. "I sent my hybrids away, so please tell what I need to do to get my family back."

"Yes I would love to hear it as well." Lorena spoke up. "You set a high bargain."

"Well." Stefan walked towards another seat across the two. "Klaus, Lorena." He nodded to both of them. "I'm not negotiating."

"Then you understand that holding them is the same as dropping them on the ocean."

"No, no you leave Mystic Falls and then give me a call in a few years and we'll talk."

FAIRLY FOREVER ♡ NIKLAUS MIKEALSON Where stories live. Discover now