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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the battlefield, Arjun stood tall and resolute, his bow at the ready. The weight of his past sins and the burden of his actions during the war hung heavy on his shoulders, a heavy burden that he carried with a heavy heart.

"Your son won't see more than 16 springs of his life,Pandu putra Arjun. You will not be able to save your son. He is incarnation of Varchas and will return to his father once he completes 16 years on earth. His death would give you enough fame to last a lifetime. His son will save your lineage,Parth" Bhrigu Rishi's words echoed in Arjun's ears.

Subhadra approached him, her eyes filled with tears and her voice trembling with sorrow. "Arjun, my love, how could you let our son fall in battle? How could you allow Abhimanyu to meet such a tragic end?"

Arjun's eyes met hers, filled with pain and regret. "I failed him, Subhadra. I failed our son, and I failed you. But I swear on my honor, I will avenge his death and bring justice to those who have wronged us."

Subhadra's gaze softened, her anger giving way to understanding. "I know your heart is pure, Arjun. But the path you have chosen has cost us dearly. I fear that the trust between us may never be fully restored."

Arjun reached out and took her hand in his, the touch of her skin a balm to his wounded soul. "I will do all that is necessary to earn back your trust, Subhadra. I will fight with all my strength and cunning to bring an end to this war and bring peace to our family once more."

Subhadra nodded, a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes. "I believe in you, Arjun. I believe that you will fight with honor and courage, and that you will emerge victorious."

With a heavy heart but a renewed sense of purpose, Arjun turned back to the battlefield, his resolve steeled.

The clash of weapons and the cries of warriors filled the air, but amidst the chaos, Arjun found a clarity of purpose. He would fight not just for victory, but for redemption.

And as he drew his bow and let loose his arrow, he knew that he would do whatever it took to make things right, no matter the cost.

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