A Mother's Request

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Kunti stood before Karna, her heart heavy with regret and longing. She knew that it was time to reveal the truth to him, to tell him that he was her son, borne of her union with the Sun God. Taking a deep breath, she looked into Karna's eyes and spoke with a trembling voice.

"Karna, my son," Kunti began, her voice filled with emotion. "I am your mother, Kunti. I gave you up at birth, but I have always loved you as my own. Please, I beg of you, spare the life of Arjun, my beloved son. Do not let the blood of your brothers stain your hands."

Karna listened to Kunti's words, his heart torn between loyalty to his mother and his sense of duty to Duryodhan. He knew that by sparing Arjun's life, he would be betraying the man who had stood by him when no one else would.

"Mother, you may have given birth to me, but you do not have the right to claim me as your son now," Karna replied, his voice firm and resolute. "I have made my choice, and I will stand by it. Whether it is Arjun or me, I will not let anyone stand in the way of my loyalty to Duryodhan."

Kunti's heart sank at Karna's words, but she knew she had to try one last time to reach her son's heart.

"Karna, please," Kunti pleaded, her eyes filled with tears. "I understand your loyalty, but I beg of you, do not let your anger and pride cloud your judgment. You are a noble soul, a great warrior. Do not let this moment define you. Choose compassion and forgiveness over revenge."

Karna hesitated, his resolve wavering as he looked into his mother's eyes. He could see the pain and love reflected in her gaze, and for a moment, he felt a twinge of regret for the path he had chosen.

But then, the memory of all the slights and insults he had endured throughout his life came flooding back, fueling the fire of his anger once more.

"I am sorry, Mother," Karna said, his voice heavy with emotion. "But my destiny is already written. I have to follow the path that has been laid out for me. I cannot change my allegiance now."

With a heavy heart,Karna's words cut through Kunti like a knife, but she refused to give up on her son. With tears streaming down her face, she reached out and grasped Karna's hands in hers.

"Karna, my son," Kunti said, her voice filled with emotion. "Even if you choose to stand against the Pandavas, I will always consider you my son. You will always have a place in my heart, no matter what. And remember, I will always be the mother of the Pandavas, with or without Arjuna by my side."

Karna's resolve wavered once more as he looked into Kunti's eyes, seeing the unconditional love and compassion she had for him. For a fleeting moment, he felt a sense of peace and clarity wash over him.

But then, the weight of his past and the burden of his loyalty to Duryodhana pulled him back into the darkness of his anger and resentment.

"I appreciate your words, Mother," Karna said, his voice filled with sorrow. "But I must stay true to my path. I cannot change my course now."

Kunti released Karna's hands and watched as he went away with his Vijay bow and to camp of Kauravas.

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