A Father's Vow

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Arjun took Abhimanyu in his arms, holding him close as he recalled all the moments they had shared together - from the joy of his birth to the pride he felt watching him grow into a brave and skilled warrior. With tears streaming down his face, Arjun carried Abhimanyu's lifeless body to the Pandavas' camp, his heart heavy with grief and anger.

As he entered the camp, Arjun's eyes blazed with fury as he shouted at his brothers for failing to protect Abhimanyu. "How could you let this happen?" he bellowed, his voice filled with anguish and rage. "Abhimanyu was a valiant warrior, a fearless fighter, and you stood by and did nothing to save him!"

Yudhishthira, the eldest of the Pandavas, stepped forward, his own eyes filled with sorrow. "Arjun, we did everything we could to protect Abhimanyu," he said, his voice filled with regret. "But the Kauravas fought dishonorably, using deceit and treachery to trap him in the Chakravyuha. We were unable to reach him in time."

Arjun's anger burned like a raging fire as he glared at his brothers, his heart breaking at the thought of his son's final moments. "I should have been there for him," he whispered, his voice filled with guilt and sorrow. "I should have protected him, no matter the cost."

Bhima, the strongest of the Pandavas, stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on Arjun's shoulder. "We all share in this loss, Arjun," he said softly. "Abhimanyu was not just your son, he was our nephew, our brother-in-arms. We will mourn him together and seek justice for his death."

Arjun nodded, his anger slowly giving way to grief as he cradled Abhimanyu's lifeless body in his arms. The other Pandavas gathered around him, offering their condolences and support as they prepared to give their fallen comrade a hero's farewell.

Subhadra stood before Arjun, her eyes filled with tears and her heart heavy with grief and anger. "How could you let this happen, Arjun?" she cried, her voice shaking with emotion. "You promised me that you would protect our son, that you would keep him safe no matter what. And now he is gone, lost to us forever because of your failure."

Arjun hung his head, unable to meet Subhadra's accusing gaze. He knew that he had failed in his duty as a father and a warrior, and the weight of his guilt was almost suffocating. "I am sorry, Subhadra," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I failed him, I failed you, and I failed our family."

But Subhadra's grief had turned to rage, and she lashed out at Arjun with all the strength of her despair. She struck him across the chest, her blows fueled by her pain and betrayal. "You have brought shame upon our family, Arjun," she cried, her words cutting deep into his heart. "I trusted you to keep our son safe, and you have let me down in the worst possible way."

Arjun did not try to defend himself or make excuses. He knew that he had failed Subhadra and Abhimanyu, and he deserved every word of her anger and every blow of her fists. The pain of her betrayal was etched on his face, and he could feel his heart breaking with each strike.

Subhadra's sobs filled the room as she continued to hit Arjun, her anger giving way to a deep sense of loss and despair. "I loved you, Arjun," she whispered, her voice choked with tears. "I trusted you with the most precious thing in my life, and you let him slip through your fingers like sand."

Arjun reached out to hold Subhadra, but she pushed him away with a strength born of her pain. "Don't touch me," she spat, her eyes burning with fury. "I don't want your comfort or your apologies. You have broken my trust, and I don't know if I can ever forgive you for that."

Arjun bowed his head in shame, his heart heavy with regret. He knew that he had lost Subhadra's trust, and he feared that he had lost her love as well. He had failed her in the worst possible way, and he remained silent as a father too.

Parthvi stood before her father, her eyes filled with determination. She held out her hand, demanding the sword that belonged to her as the daughter of Arjun, the greatest warrior of their time. "Father, give me the sword," she said, her voice steady and unwavering. "I will avenge my brother's death. I will kill Jayadrath with my own hands, but first, I need your vow to support me in this mission."

Arjun looked at his daughter, seeing the fire in her eyes and the resolve in her stance. He knew that she was capable of carrying out her threat, and he also knew that he had failed her and Abhimanyu by not protecting them. With a heavy heart, he took the sword from its sheath and handed it to Parthvi. "I vow to support you in your quest for vengeance," he said, his voice filled with regret.

Meanwhile, Kunti tried to console Subhadra, but her daughter-in-law pushed her away with a strength that belied her grief. In her anger and pain, Subhadra lashed out at Arjun, injuring him on the forehead with a swift blow. The blood trickled down his face as Krishna, who had been observing the scene, stepped in to calm his sister Subhadra. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder and whispered words of solace, reminding her of the importance of unity and forgiveness in times of tragedy.

Uttara and Vatsala, Arjun's daughter-in-laws, rushed to his side to tend to his wound, their hearts heavy with sorrow for the loss of Abhimanyu and the turmoil within their family. They knew that the path of revenge would only lead to more pain and suffering, but they also understood the need for justice.

Arjun, his forehead still bleeding, looked at Parthvi with a mixture of pride and sadness. He knew that he could not stop her from seeking vengeance, but he also hoped that she would find peace and closure in her quest. With a heavy heart, he vowed to stand by her side and support her in her mission to kill Jayadrath.

And so, the family stood united, bound by love and duty, as they prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead. They knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger and heartache, but they also knew that they would face it together, as a family. For in the

Subhadra's anger slowly began to cool as she realized the gravity of the situation and the importance of unity within the family. She took a deep breath and turned to Arjun, her eyes filled with remorse and determination.

"Arjun, I know I let my anger get the best of me. I ask for your forgiveness for my harsh words and actions. But I cannot tend to your wounds until justice is served and Jayadrath is slain. I will stand by Parthvi in her quest for revenge, but I also promise to support you and the rest of the family in whatever way I can," Subhadra said, her voice filled with sincerity.

Arjun, touched by Subhadra's words and her willingness to make amends, reached out and embraced his sister. "Thank you, Subhadra. Your support means everything to me. Together, we will face this challenge and emerge stronger than before," he said, his voice filled with gratitude.

With Subhadra's vow to support both Parthvi and Arjun, the family felt a renewed sense of unity and purpose. They knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but they also knew that they would face it together, as a family bound by love.

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