An Ultimate Donation

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Karn was valiant warrior and loyal friend of Duryodhan  He had been blessed with an impenetrable armor, the Kavach, and earrings, the Kundal, gifted to him by his divine father Surya. But Karn knew that in order to fulfill his destiny and uphold righteousness, he must part ways with these precious possessions.

One day, a sage appeared before Karn, his true identity concealed by a divine aura. The sage spoke with wisdom and compassion, earning Karn's trust and respect. "O noble warrior," the sage began, "I sense a noble purpose within you. Will you consider parting with your Kavach and Kundal for the benefit of all?"

Karn was taken aback by the sage's request, but he sensed a higher calling in the sage's words. With a heavy heart, he removed his armor and earrings, offering them to the sage. "I trust that you will use these gifts wisely," Karn said, his voice filled with determination and selflessness.

The sage revealed his true form, the king of the gods, Indra dev. "Karn, your sacrifice shall not go in vain".," Indra said, his voice filled with gratitude and admiration. "Your selflessness and devotion to righteousness have earned you a place of honor among the gods. Your sacrifice shall be remembered for eternity."

Karn bowed before Indra, humbled by the god's words. "It is an honor to serve the greater good," Karn replied, his eyes filled with determination.

Arjun, son of Indra and Kunti, approached his father with a heavy heart. "Pitashree" he began, his voice tinged with sadness, "the act of giving away divine armor and earrings  by Karn has left me feeling ashamed of my own capabilities. Earlier in childhood,Guru Dron asked for thumb from Eklavya so that no one matches my archery,I feel so ashamed even till day.How can I, a warrior of great renown, match Karn's selflessness and sacrifice?" Arjun's eyes reflected his inner turmoil, for he had always strived to live up to his father's legacy and emulate his noble deeds.

Indra looked upon his son with compassion and understanding. "Arjun, my dear son, do not compare yourself to me or anyone else. Each of us has our own path to walk and our own destiny to fulfill. Your strength lies not in the possessions you wield, but in the purity of your intentions and the courage of your actions."

Arjun's heart swelled with gratitude at his father's words. "Thank you, Father, for your wisdom and guidance. I will strive to be the best warrior I can be, not for the sake of glory or possessions, but for the greater good and the honour of our family."

Indra embraced his son, feeling a sense of pride and admiration for the noble spirit that burned within him.

After his conversation with Arjun, Indra Dev turned his attention to Karn, the son of Surya and Kunti. Karn was a formidable warrior, known for his unparalleled skill with the bow and arrow. Indra approached Karn with a solemn expression, knowing that what he was about to offer would greatly impact the course of the upcoming battle.

"Karn, son of Surya, I have come to offer you a boon – a divine weapon known as Shakti. This weapon possesses unparalleled power and can be used only once, with the potential to change the course of any battle," Indra explained.

Karn's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude. He knew the significance of such a gift and the responsibility that came with it. "Thank you, Indra Dev, for this great honor. I will wield this weapon with utmost care and use it only when the time is right, to protect and defend those who are dear to me," Karn vowed.

Indra nodded in approval, knowing that Karn would use the Shakti wisely and honorably. With a sense of peace and purpose, Karn prepared himself for the upcoming battle, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with the newfound power bestowed upon him by Indra.

As Karn watched Indra depart, a sense of peace and fulfillment washed over him. Though he had sacrificed his prized possessions, he knew that his actions had served a greater purpose. His legacy would live on through the deeds of the gods, and his name would be remembered with reverence and respect.

Karn continued on his path, guided by the principles of honor and righteousness even being in Kauravas side. Though he no longer possessed the Kavach and Kundal, his spirit remained unyielding and his resolve unwavering. 

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