The Touch of Fear

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Updated on Demand of my Bro Madhusudana_ ,the demand I can't dare to disobey ✨✨.

As the drum rolls were heard from the distance, Draupadi and Subhadra sat together in the camps, their hearts heavy with worry. Draupadi, her eyes filled with tears, turned to Subhadra and said, "My dear sister, the curse of Ganga weighs heavy on my heart. I fear for our sons, especially Abhimanyu. The battlefield is no place for them to showcase their bravery."

Subhadra, her gaze fixed on the horizon, nodded in agreement. "I understand your fear, jiji. The thought of losing our sons is unbearable. We must warn them to be cautious, to not let their youthful courage lead them into danger."

Just then, Abhimanyu, Prativindaya, Sutsum, Shutkarma, Shrutsen, and Sthanik entered the room, their armor gleaming in the sunlight. Draupadi and Subhadra gathered them close, their voices filled with love and concern. "My sons," Draupadi began, her voice trembling, "the battlefield is a place of great peril. Your safety is what matters most to us. Do not let your bravery blind you to the dangers that lie ahead."

Prativindaya,the eldest among them, looked at his mothers with determination in his eyes. "Do not fear for us, dear mothers. We have been trained by the best warriors in the land. We will fight with honor and courage, but we will also be cautious and mindful of the risks." His brothers nodded in agreement, their resolve shining through.

"We would be each other's shield and would fight for each other's wellbeing. Our courage would be replies to those who avenged Badi Maa's honour. Our risks will be calculated enough only to harm our enemies. Our entire energy would be in slaying Kauravas"said Abhimanyu in a commanding tone.

Subhadra, touched by their bravery, placed a hand on Abhimanyu's shoulder. "I trust in your skills and your strength, my son. But remember, a warrior's true strength lies in knowing when to fight and when to retreat. Do not let pride cloud your judgment."

Draupadi embraced each of her sons, her heart overflowing with love and pride. "Promise me, my sons, that you will always look out for each other on the battlefield. Stand united, and no enemy shall prevail against you." The brothers nodded solemnly, their bond as strong as steel.

As they prepared to leave for the battlefield, Abhimanyu turned to his mothers with a smile. "Fear not, dear mothers. We will return victorious, with the blessings of our ancestors guiding us. Our bond as brothers will never be broken, and our courage will never waver." With those words, Abhimanyu and his brothers mounted their horses and rode off towards the battlefield, their hearts filled with determination and their minds focused on the task ahead.

On the battlefield, the brothers fought bravely, their skills and training shining through as they faced the enemy with unwavering courage. Abhimanyu, in particular, displayed a prowess that left his foes in awe, his sword slicing through their ranks like a hot knife through butter.

But as the battle raged on, the brothers found themselves surrounded by a formidable enemy force. With their backs against the wall, they fought with all their might, never once faltering in their resolve. But the odds were against them, and it seemed like all hope was lost.

Just when it seemed like they would be overwhelmed, a sudden surge of energy coursed through Abhimanyu, filling him with a renewed strength and determination. With a fierce battle cry, he led his brothers in a final, desperate charge against their enemies, cutting down anyone who stood in their way.

And in that moment, they emerged victorious, their enemies vanquished and their honour restored. Bhim vanquished many of Kauravas while Arjun worked upon his weakness.

Duryodhan with heavy heart lit funerals to many of his brothers. In his lifetime, he never felt like a loser in front of mighty Pandavas. His gut feeling was Arjun alone can defeat his Akshuni army.  In his fit of rage, he declared Karn as Commander to his army.

"I won't let you down, friend Duryodhan" said Karn placing his hand on Duryodhan's shoulders.

"I hope the same. Kill your worst enemy and my nightmare" replied Duryodhan sarcastically.

Who will kill whom..Only Time would Tell. Some truths are better untold and some questions are better left unanswered.

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