A Call For Guidance

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Krishna went back to Dwarka and was meditating in his room. Subhadra,his beloved sister approached him sensing his uneasiness.

As the great war of Kurukshetra loomed on the horizon, Subhadra, the devoted wife of Arjuna, felt a heavy weight of worry and guilt settle upon her heart. She knew that her beloved husband was bound by duty to fight in the battle, but she also sensed the burden of guilt and conflict weighing down his noble spirit.

Unable to bear the weight of her own fears and concerns, Subhadra decided to seek guidance from the one source she knew could offer solace and wisdom - Lord Krishna.

With a heavy heart and a mind clouded by doubt, Subhadra made her way to the chambers where Krishna resided. As she entered, she found Krishna sitting in serene contemplation, his eyes filled with a deep sense of knowing and compassion. Bowing before him, Subhadra spoke softly, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Bhratashree Krishna, I come to you with a heavy heart and a mind burdened by guilt. Parth is facing the impending war of Kurukshetra, and I fear for his well-being. I know he is bound by duty to fight, but I also sense the turmoil within his soul".

Krishna woke up with a warm smile on his face "Subhadrey,I will have a talk with Parth very soon-".

Before he could complete his statement,a messenger informed Duryodhan coming to meet him.
Subhadra's anger knew no bounds when she found Duryodhan was eyeing Vatsala.

Subhadra stood up near Vatsala "Don't cast your evil eyes on my niece and daughter in law, Duryodhan. Your desires won't come true".

Duryodhan tries to maintain his cool and replied "I am victim of my fate. First you ran away with Arjun and now your niece whom my son Lakshman wanted to marry,your son Abhimanyu married her.".

Subhadra replied boldly "I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left, but fate is a one-way street. I believe we all have the choice as to whether we fulfill our destiny, but our fate is sealed".

Duryodhan left in anger towards Krishna's room where already Arjun was sitting with him.

Duryodhan said in anguish "Arjun, what are you doing? We are almost ready to march into battle, and you waste time speaking to your charioteer"

Arjun answered steadfastly "Duryodhan, I seek guidance from Krishna, the embodiment of wisdom and divine grace. His presence is my strength and my inspiration."

Duryodhan replied mockingly "Very well, Arjun. Seek as much guidance as you desire. But remember, it is not the charioteer who wins the battle but the warriors themselves."

Krishna said calmly "Duryodhan, you are mistaken if you believe victory lies solely in physical strength. True strength comes from righteousness and a connection to the divine. Arjun seeks not only my guidance but the righteousness that springs from it."

Arjun with a heavy heart "Sakha, I stand here on this battlefield, amidst my own kin and loved ones. How can I wage war against those I hold dear? My hands tremble, and my mind is clouded with hesitation. I need your guidance, Madhav."

Krishna smiling gently replied "Arjun, your concern is understandable. But it is essential to remember your duty as a warrior and a defender of righteousness. This war is not just about personal relationships; it is about upholding truth, justice, and the protection of Dharma".

Arjun's voice filled with anguish" But Krishna, how can I find it within myself to raise my bow against my own kin, my beloved cousins, and revered elders? My heart is overwhelmed with sorrow and guilt.".

Krishna replied placing a comforting hand on Arjun's shoulder "Arjun, the ways of the world are complex, and duty often requires us to make difficult choices. You must rise above personal attachments and focus on the bigger picture. Remember, the soul is eternal, and death is merely a transient state".

Arjun replied lowering his head "Sakha, I trust your wisdom, and I know you speak the truth. But the burden feels too heavy for me to bear. What if I fail in this grand battle? What if I am not strong enough to fulfill my duties?".

Krishna: (looking into Arjun's eyes) Arjun, doubt is a normal part of life. Embrace it, but do not succumb to it. You possess great skill, courage, and strength. Have faith in yourself, and most importantly, have faith in me. I will stand by your side, guide your arrows, and illuminate your path.

Arjun looking up with newfound determination "Krishna, your words have brought solace to my troubled heart. With you by my side, I feel invincible. Let all consequences be what they may, I am ready to fulfill my duty as a warrior of righteousness."

As Krishna's words echoed in the air, a hushed silence fell upon the battlefield, and all eyes turned towards Arjun and Krishna

Arjun stood tall, his heart filled with renewed determination. With Krishna as his charioteer and guide, Arjun was prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead. The stage was set, and history would bear witness to the battle that would shape the destiny of the world.

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