A Night Before Impending War

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As the night before the great war dawned upon them, Arjun and Subhadra sought solace in each other's company. The flickering flames of the campfire cast a warm glow upon their faces as they sat side by side, their hearts heavy with the weight of impending battle.

Subhadra gazed at Arjun with concern etched in her eyes, her voice soft and tender as she spoke. "My dear Arjun, my heart aches with worry for you. The thought of you facing our own kin in battle fills me with dread. How can you find the strength to fight those whom you love?"

Arjun reached out and took Subhadra's hand in his own, his touch gentle and reassuring. "My beloved, the path of a warrior is a lonely and arduous one. But it is my duty to uphold dharma, to fight for justice and righteousness even in the face of adversity. I must set aside my personal attachments and fulfill my responsibilities as a prince and a warrior."

Subhadra's eyes filled with tears as she listened to Arjun's words, her heart torn between her love for him and her fears for his safety. "But Arjun, how can I bear to live without you?".

Arjun's gaze softened as he wiped away Subhadra's tears, his voice filled with love and understanding. "My dear Subhadra, I know that the thought of me going into battle troubles you deeply. But remember, I am not alone in this. Krishna stands by my side, guiding me and protecting me in every step I take. Have faith in his divine presence and trust in my abilities as a warrior."

Subhadra nodded, her heart filled with a mix of fear and admiration for Arjun's unwavering resolve. "I will pray for your safety, Arjun. May the gods grant you victory on the battlefield and bring you back to me unharmed. I will wait for you, no matter how long it takes."

Arjun pulled Subhadra into a warm embrace, holding her close as he whispered words of comfort and reassurance. "I promise you, my love, that I will return to you victorious. Our love will give me strength and courage to face whatever challenges lie ahead. Together, we will overcome this trial and emerge stronger than ever before."

Kunti sat by her grandsons's side, telling them valour of his sons and motivating them to fight for truth.

As the night drew to a close, Arjun and Subhadra sat by the campfire, their hearts intertwined in a bond that even the fiercest of battles could not break. They shared stories of their past adventures, laughed at old memories, and held each other close, savoring the warmth of their love in the midst of uncertainty.

The first light of dawn began to peek over the horizon, Arjun rose from his spot by the fire, his resolve steeled and his determination unwavering. He turned to Subhadra, his eyes filled with determination and love. "It is time for me to go, my love. The battlefield awaits, and I must fulfill my duty as a warrior. But know that you will always be in my heart, guiding me and giving me strength."

Subhadra nodded, her eyes filled with tears yet a sense of pride shining through. "Go forth, my brave warrior, and may victory be yours. I will be here waiting for your return, counting the days until we are reunited once again."

With a final embrace and a lingering close hug,Arjun mounted his chariot and rode off into the distance, the echoes of his departure fading into the morning breeze.

Subhadra watched him disappearing from sight, a sense of hope filled her heart, knowing that their love would endure even the most difficult war.

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