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Jiang Yi's consciousness drifted up and down. His initially angry eyes quickly became blurry. At first he could curse a few words, but in the end he could no longer utter a complete sentence.

[Host, your coolness reward can be exchanged for more currency. Do you want to buy a pain-blocking tool? ]

Jiang Yi's eyes were out of focus. After hearing the system prompts in his mind, he suddenly became angry, [Why didn't you tell me earlier that there was such a thing! Buy buy buy! Buy as much as you can! 】

Jiang Yi never knew that it hurt so much. He thought about the times when he and his little lover had a tumultuous relationship, how often did he not feed the other person so full and so happy that he wanted to die. Why did he end up here with Lu Feng? Like being put to death? I'm afraid that this bastard Lu Feng doesn't want to make things easier for him!

The system rarely saw Jiang Yi's frantic look, and said quickly: [You increased the protagonist's comfort level by 120 in the last round, which can be exchanged for 120,000 currency, but your experience value is too low and you can only buy low-end products. The current option is only primary pain shielding, which is not cost-effective, is worth 80,000 coins, and can only shield 10% of pain. 】

Jiang Yi: 【Buy! ]

The system trembled with fright and quickly bought the goods for Jiang Yi and installed them.

[Ding, 10% primary pain shielding has been installed! You have 40,000 coins left in your balance! ]

Lu Feng spent the night attacking Jiang Yi until Jiang Yi completely passed out, then withdrew from his body and looked at Jiang Yi with an inexplicable emotion.

Jiang Yi was wearing a tattered white shirt, and everything he could see was covered with bruises. His lips were red and swollen, and his unconscious sleeping face had a look of sleepiness and pain, as if a white flower had been peeled off. Opening the petals and forcing them to reveal their fragile stamens, there was something sad and beautiful about it. This thought made Lu Feng choke.

[Ding, Lu Feng's favorability +20; Current favorability: 30, killing intent value: 100. 】

The system couldn't wait and said to Jiang Yi: 【The favorability has increased again! 】

Jiang Yi said sadly: "That's natural. It feels so good to fuck me. If you don't gain favorability, I let him go in vain?" 】

Men are all thinking animals with their lower body. If you feel good, your favorability will naturally increase, and there are many people who fall in love with you.

The system felt Jiang Yi's dark anger, and knew that Jiang Yi, as a domineering president, was being treated as weak and oppressed, so he would not be in a good mood, but it was helpless. This is the essence of the "Love, Kill, Scumbag Taming System" - -The best way to tame Zha Gong is to reverse his roles and experience firsthand the pain of being brutalized by Zha Gong.

However, the system does not want to remind Jiang Yi or cause trouble for others. After all, it is now bound to Jiang Yi. One person, one system can be regarded as sharing weal and woe. If Jiang Yi is in a bad mood, it will also suffer.

The system carefully revealed its own information to show that it was very useful and to please Jiang Yi: [The host is great, the favorability level is 70, below 70 is ordinary, and above 70 is romantic level. To be specific, the favorability level below 70 is the level from stranger to friend, which is relatively easy to brush up. The distance between 70 and 100 is from ambiguity to deep love. It will be much more difficult to brush up the favorability degree at this stage. Increase, host, come on! 】

Jiang Yi said quietly: 【Don't worry, if he dares to do this to me, I will take it back with interest. ]

The system realized that something was not good, [Dear, Gu Qingyan's character is "Stubborn White Lotus", and the collapse of the character is a serious OOC! Will be considered a mission failure! It is equivalent to suicide! 】

Jiang Yi: 【Who said I have to destroy my character before I can teach the protagonist a lesson? 】

The system breathed a sigh of relief. It almost thought it was going to witness a murder caused by a penis.

In fact, in the history of the "scum domestication system", there have been many hosts who refused to accept their fate, and some threatened to challenge the main system and rewrite the system's plot, but no one has ever succeeded - they were not able to escape being domesticated in the end. The fate of being trained. Will Jiang Yi be an exception?

Jiang Yi thought about the tactics. If he wanted to save his life, he had to complete the task based on the data. To make Lu Feng's favorability level break through the 70 mark, seduction alone might not be enough, and Lu Feng's murderous intent value Keeping it high is also one of his major difficulties. If he can't find a way to lower some of his killing intent values, it will be very difficult for him to increase his favorability in the future.

Jiang Yi browsed the products in the tool store in his mind. He got his first taste of the benefits of tools in the "Elementary Male-Slaying Mary Sue Set" and felt that the functions of these tools should not be underestimated. When necessary, he could achieve twice the result with half the effort. .

His current currency value is 40,000. Some basic tools have been unlocked and changed from light gray to color. He clicked on the "Little Plot Pusher" column and saw that the products in the sub-category were all higher than 40,000. He bought No, the "Basic Memory Killing Theater" recommended by the system only costs 80,000 coins. It seems that his top priority is to increase Lu Feng's coolness quickly and earn coins so that he can buy the tools he wants.

The system found that the last round of coolness was obtained by Jiang Yi on the bed, and couldn't help but ask: [Do you want to spread your thighs and lie down to count money? 】

Jiang Yi: 【Otherwise, I know men like Lu Feng very well. For them, the meat brought to their mouths has no joy of conquest. What they like to see is the unyielding angel with broken wings who has fallen into the mortal world. , never bow his head, even though he is in jail, but his will is unwilling to surrender, this is the most suitable target for abuse, which makes people feel more happy. 】

The system feels that Jiang Yi is worthy of being a highly intelligent host. He can adapt to the development of the plot so quickly and find the key points. It is like a self-taught one. I suddenly feel that I have a bright future after being bound to such a host!

Jiang Yi was thinking about the future strategy blueprint in his mind, when he suddenly felt a pain in his body and fell heavily from the bed to the ground with a "thud".

——Lu Feng actually kicked him off the bed.

Jiang Yi probably understood what Lu Feng was thinking. Lu Feng probably kicked him after he finally calmed down and felt that he was not worthy of sleeping in his bed.

In this case, he doesn't mind cooperating with Lu Feng.

Lu Feng saw Jiang Yi rolling to the ground and making a loud noise, but even so, Jiang Yi was not awakened by the pain. It seemed that he had already fallen into a severe coma.

But what he wants is to see Jiang Yi in pain. The more painful Jiang Yi is, the happier he will be. The son of his enemy only deserves to be ruined by him, so how can he deserve to sleep with him?

Gu Qingyan, I just want you to taste all the pain in the world. If you want to blame me, I blame you for being born into the wrong child and becoming Gu Wei's son.

The next day, Lu Feng's biological clock woke him up on time. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Jiang Yi curled up and lying on his side on the ground next to the bed in a miserable state, as if he was very cold.

Lu Feng frowned, put on his clothes, walked to Jiang Yi, and kicked Jiang Yi, "Get up, don't pretend to be dead here."

Jiang Yi's body moved weakly with Lu Feng's kick. There was no response.

Lu Feng looked carefully and found that Jiang Yi's forehead was covered with sweat and his face was flushed. He touched Jiang Yi's forehead and found that the other person's body was hot - he had a fever.

Jiang Yi's coma was very miserable. His body was covered with mottled marks, and there was blood mixed with white turbidity flowing out between his bare legs, which had been dried by the air. All this showed the inhuman torture he experienced last night. .

Jiang Yi has always been protected by Gu Wei, so he must have never suffered such a crime. Lu Feng looked at him and felt that he was a little pitiful.

[Ding, Lu Feng's murderous intent value is -5; current favorability: 30, murderous intent value: 95. ]

Lu Feng's housekeeper knocked on the bedroom door at this time, "Master Lu, this is this morning's morning newspaper. Will breakfast be delivered to your room, or will you use it downstairs?"

Lu Feng quickly put away the complicated expression in his eyes. Emotion - He should not have sympathy for the son of his enemy.

Lu Feng did not hesitate at all whether the housekeeper saw the unconscious Jiang Yi on the ground, and said: "I'll go down to eat, and you clean up here." After that, he took his long legs and stepped over Jiang Yi, not caring about the person. of life and death.

The housekeeper seemed to have grown accustomed to the strange situation and just said "yes". After Lu Feng walked out of the room, he closed the door and followed Lu Feng downstairs.

Lu Feng's housekeeper's surname was Huang, and he had lived with Lu Feng for many years. Lu Feng had been living in an orphanage since his parents died, but fortunately, he was later adopted by a Swedish overseas Chinese family with the same surname as Lu. , they probably felt that they had a close affinity with Lu Feng, and they didn't mind that Lu Feng was already a middle school student at the time, so they brought Lu Feng to Sweden to live together. Lu Feng returned to China not long ago, and Butler Huang was also sent to China by the Lu couple to take care of Lu Feng's food and daily life.

Butler Huang has some understanding of Lu Feng's character. He is the best at observing people's emotions and knows when not to talk and when to pretend not to notice. If Lu Feng doesn't explain who Jiang Yi is, he won't ask any more questions.

Lu Feng had breakfast while reading the morning newspaper, and then left the villa. Only then did Butler Huang come to Lu Feng's bedroom to check on Jiang Yi.

Lu Feng's original words were "tidy up this place", as if he didn't regard Jiang Yi as a person at all. Butler Huang looked at the injuries and mottled marks on Jiang Yi's body, sighed, and helped him up from the ground.

Jiang Yi slept on the ground all night, with new injuries and old injuries on his body, and he caught a cold. He was really burned and lost consciousness for a while. When he woke up again, he found that his body had been cleaned. I put on clean pajamas and lay down in a strange room.

"You're awake," someone said.

Jiang Yi looked towards the bed and found that the person speaking was an older, middle-aged man.

The man said: "My surname is Huang. I am Mr. Lu's housekeeper here. Mr. Lu has gone out. This is the guest room of the villa."

Butler Huang's attitude towards Jiang Yi was polite but distant. After saying this, he walked towards the door of the room. Go.

"Thank you." Jiang Yi said behind Butler Huang. The wounds on his body were carefully treated, presumably with the help of Butler Huang.

"You're welcome." Butler Huang didn't expect Jiang Yi to be so calm when he woke up. When he cleaned Jiang Yi's body, he could see that this person was forced last night. He originally thought that the other person would be emotionally intense after waking up. However, Jiang Yi did not expect that Jiang Yi would not take his anger out on others because of his unfair experience.

After experiencing such a big change, he was still able to remain unfazed. It seemed that such a person did not deserve to be treated so cruelly by the young man in his family.

Butler Huang sighed silently and left the room.

After Butler Huang left, the system said excitedly: [Hey, the protagonist's murderous intent towards you has finally changed! 

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