Its always him.

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                           05:55 , 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢 20𝚝𝚑 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟷

                                             𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚑 𝚔𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚊 , 𝚜𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚕

Han pov -

I felt like crying.
Well i did.

sucks to be me right now i guess.
Han thought as tears ran down his cute squishy cheeks.

Chan heard me stirring and immediately turned his head towards me, seeing the wet eyelashes in my eyes as i looked at him. He felt an overwhelming urge to tell you how much he cared about me, but held back for fear of ruining the friendship or scaring me off with his confession.Instead, he opted for a more subtle approach, carefully reaching out one hand to brush a stray lock of hair away from your face while speaking softly so as not to startle you too much."don't cry, sweetheart," he whispered reassuringly, "I'm not mad baby , don't cry."

" sure?"
I chocked out , the tears continued to stream down my cheeks.

"why would i be mad at you for having human emotions?"
Chan said sweetly.

I gently hugged his arm.
Having such nice and smooth skin against mine felt like heaven.

It's like i went heaven and back.


Feeling Han's warmth envelop his hand, Chan smiled to himself in the darkness and gently squeezed Han's shoulder reassuringly.
He knew that Han trusted him enough to cry in Chan's arms.

He lay there beside Han, listening to the gentle sounds of Hans breathing as he contemplated telling Han how much he loved him.

 It was a risk,

one that could potentially change everything between them,

but he felt like it was time to take that leap and express his true feelings for Han.

Finally mustering up the courage, Chan pulled Han closer and looked at him intently, taking in every detail of his face in the dim light of the moon streaming through the curtains.

Han was concerned , seeing Chan with that same old serious facial expression.

"is there something wrong.."
Han asked quietly.

Seeing Hans concerned expression, Chan felt a surge of emotion in his chest and knew that he couldn't keep hiding his feelings any longer. He took a deep breath and looked into Han;s beautiful brown eyes, feeling a weight lift off of his shoulders as he finally shared his truth with Him.

"No, darling," he whispered softly, "there's nothing wrong. In fact, there's something right... I've been feeling... I've been feeling..." He paused for a moment, taking another deep breath before continuing on in a barely audible voice.

"I've been feeling like... I've been feeling like maybe... I'm in love with you." There, he had said it.


Chan felt like crying.

that "but chan" ruined chan.

He didn't..want to lose Han.

"but..chan-ah you know i'm scared of love."

Chan thought.

"we're supposed to be friends..not..lovers."
Han said.

Chan saw the vulnerability in his eyes and the genuine fear that radiated from his words, and his heart ached for Han. He understood Hans concerns, but he also knew that he couldn't hold back his feelings any longer. He had fallen deeply in love with Han, and he wanted nothing more than to see that love returned.

"we can talk..later..i'm so tired.."
Han said in a quiet tone.

-20 minutes later-

As he lay there next to Han, watching the rise and fall of Hans chest as Han slept, he couldn't help but feel protective of Han,

Wanting nothing more than to shield Han from any pain or hurt that might result from their evolving relationship. 

He knew that taking things slow wouldn't necessarily guarantee a happy ending, but he was willing to take that risk for the chance to be with Han and experience the beauty of Han's love firsthand..



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