cute - seungsung

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so i'm planning to just do one shots because its wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy easier <3


seungmin was in the training room, alone. he was dancing to their new song, when he heard a notification from him phone. he finished the dance, going up to the cellphone. he checks his messages, seeing that Han sent him a voice message.

he puts in his headphones, pressing play on the voice message. he hears Han moaning into the speaker, causing him to gasp to himself, his eyes widening. at the end of the voice message he hears Han say something, giggling. "too bad you're at work, otherwise you couldve seen me cum instead of just hearing it, you baby." Han said.

Han used to call seungmin 'baby' very often, even though they were 1 month apart. seungmin immediately puts on his jacket, going out of the training room to go home.

Seungmin arrived at his apartment building, taking the elevator up to his floor. As soon as he entered his door, he threw his jacket onto the couch and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. 

He heard Han's voice message in his head   and couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - anger, arousal, and annoyance. Han had been acting more and more like a brat lately, and it was starting to get on Seungmin's nerves.

He thought about how Han always seemed to want to push boundaries and test limits but not to make seungmin uncomfortable , and he knew deep down that part of him enjoyed it. But right now, he was too tired to deal with Han's antics.

Han called out , using that sweet angelic voice.

Hearing Han's response, Seungmin rolled his eyes and shook his head, sighing heavily. He walked over to the living room, sitting down on the couch beside Han, who was still on their stomach. Seungmin leaned against the armrest, propping his chin up with one hand and glancing down at Han's uniform-covered ass, remembering how cute they looked in it.

He knew that despite being angry with Han, he couldn't resist feeling attracted to them. The way their ass moved as they shifted position reminded him of how much he wanted to take control and fuck them senseless. But right now, he needed some space and time to cool off after dealing with JYP.

Han quietly crawls onto seungmin's lap and starts kissing all over seungmin's face.

Typical Han things.

As Han crawled onto his lap, Seungmin felt a mixture of surprise and arousal. He hesitated for a moment, trying to decide whether or not he should push them away or let them continue. It wasn't everyday that someone crawled onto his lap and started kissing him, especially not in this intimate manner.

But eventually, Seungmin gave in to his desires, closing his eyes and enjoying the sensation of Han's warm lips against his skin. He reached down and ran his fingers through Han's soft hair, pulling it gently and deepening the kiss as he began to stroke Han's thighs slowly, teasing them with gentle touches.

Han placed a small kiss on seungmin's nose.
" should really smile more , you have such a pretty smile."

Han's words made Seungmin smile involuntarily, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of pleasure wash over him. He found it incredibly endearing that Han noticed his mood and tried to cheer him up by encouraging him to smile more. It was a sweet gesture that showed how much Han cared about him.

As Seungmin continued to stroke Han's thighs, he could feel his own arousal growing stronger. He knew that if he didn't do something to distract himself, he would probably end up taking advantage of Han right there on the couch. "You're really determined to get me horny, aren't you?" he asked with a hint of amusement in his voice, trying to lighten the mood.

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