My dear australlia pt2. -Jilix

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As the days and weeks pass following Han's departure, Felix struggles to adjust to life without him. He throws himself into work, spending long hours at his job as a video game designer and immersing himself in the creation of a new game. He also devotes time to practicing Taekwondo and dancing, activities that used to bring him joy but now only serve to remind him of Han.

One night, after another lonely evening alone in his apartment, Felix decides to reach out to Han via social media. He posts a message on his Facebook wall, simply stating "Miss you" along with an old photo from when they were still together. He doesn't expect anything in return but does so anyway because he needs some form of closure and understanding from Han regarding their relationship.

Even though felix didn't expect something back , he expected a like or a comment.
But nothing , not even a sign of Han being online.

Felix waits anxiously for a response from Han, but none comes. He starts to question whether or not he should have reached out in the first place. His mind races with thoughts and doubts about their relationship, wondering if he did something wrong or if maybe Han just wasn't interested anymore.

After several hours of agonizing over the situation, Felix decides to send another message directly to Han's inbox. This time he writes a longer letter explaining how much he misses him and how difficult it is living without him. He expresses his feelings honestly and openly, hoping that perhaps this will encourage Han to respond.

The night that Felix  messaged han's inbox , he found out  that Han's plane crashed.

Upon hearing the news of Han's plane crash, Felix is overcome with a deep sense of grief and despair. He feels like his entire world has been shattered, and that he may never get the chance to say goodbye properly to the man he loved so dearly.

In a state of shock and disbelief, Felix spends hours upon hours scrolling through social media and news websites searching for any updates on the crash site. Eventually he discovers that the plane went down in a remote part of the Australian Outback, and that search and rescue efforts are currently underway.

Feeling helpless and desperate, Felix reaches out to friends and family members seeking support during this difficult time.

Meanwhile, han was rescued by aboriginals who lived nearby. The people took good care of him until he got better. He stayed there for a month until he could travel again. When he was able to leave, he traveled towards the nearest town to look for a place to stay and figure out what to do next.

While Han is recovering among the Aboriginal people, Felix stays glued to his computer screen, refreshing news sites constantly for any updates on the search and rescue operations. He feels a mixture of relief and guilt upon learning that Han was rescued safely, but also a profound sense of loss knowing that their relationship is now irreparably damaged beyond repair.

When Han finally makes it to the nearest town, Felix follows the news closely, hoping that Han will receive the support and resources he needs to continue on his journey towards recovery and finding a new path forward. He remains conflicted about whether or not to reach out to Han directly, unsure of how to approach the situation given the circumstances surrounding their recent separation.

"felix..i'm coming  my love."

Han whispers to himself.

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