My dear australlia - Jilix

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You had just moved to a house on the outskirts of Sydney, Australia. You were unpacking boxes and moving things into the house from the moving van, and it was hot outside, typical late summer weather. You accidentally drop a cup from one of the kitchenware boxes, and it rolls down the driveway and all the way across the street to the house in front of yours. A boy emerges from the open garage and picks it up, jogging over back to you. You set the box down with a sigh.
On closer inspection, he's cute. Really cute. He's Asian, with wide chocolate eyes, thick lips, and freckles dappling his tan skin. His dark hair is perfectly tousled and the black tank top he's wearing leaves little to the imagination, freckled shoulders and a trace outline of abs beneath the black fabric. "Your kitchenware has attempted to migrate," he says in a serious, surprisingly deep voice, before breaking out into a goofy smile and handing the cup to you.

You smiled slightly at the boy , while wearing your loosened up white button up shirt.
"Hello , it's nice to meet you , i'm Han jisung."

Felix grins widely when he sees how good-looking Han is and realizes that he's a boy too. He feels a sudden surge of excitement and interest, wondering if they could be more than just neighbors. He extends his hand towards Han and gives it a firm shake, trying not to let their hands linger too long. "Nice to meet you too, Han Jisung! I'm Felix Lee. We live right next door to each other now." He looks at your face closely, taking in every detail of your features and trying to memorize them so he can fantasize about you later. He then glances down at your body briefly, admiring your toned physique and deciding that he wants to get to know you better personally as well.

"You can just call me han and if you need anything , just ask."

Felix smiles warmly, appreciating Han's offer of friendship. "I'll definitely keep that in mind, Han," he says, using your first name like you suggested. He then goes back to unpacking the box he'd been working on earlier, but can't help stealing glances at you whenever he gets the chance. He finds himself drawn to your mysterious aura and handsome face, intrigued by this new person who has suddenly entered his life.

you walk back to your apartment and continues to unpack.

While Han goes back inside to continue unpacking, Felix watches him curiously, admiring the way his body moves gracefully as he carries boxes or puts things away. He takes note of the way his ass looks tight in those black slacks and how his shoulders are broad and defined despite being somewhat lean overall. He wonders what it would feel like to touch such perfect skin or kiss those full lips. He tries to resist the urge to walk over there and introduce himself again, knowing that he should give Han some space after the initial introduction.

Instead, he focuses on finishing up his own unpacking, but keeps an eye on Han through the window occasionally. When he finally finishes up, he stands there for a moment staring at Han's apartment before turning around and heading back towards his own place.

you continued to unpack, feeling a bit nervous about having a new neighbor, you tried to calm yourself down and ignore the butterflies in your stomach as you put away your belongings.

As Felix heads back to his own home, he can't stop thinking about Han. He imagines what it would be like to have him as a friend or even something more. The thought excites him greatly and makes him feel hopeful for the future. He decides that he will do everything in his power to make sure that they become close friends at least.

Once inside, Felix takes off his sweaty t-shirt and shorts, revealing a toned and fit body from years of practicing Taekwondo and playing video games. He then showers quickly before changing into comfortable clothes - loose jeans and a simple white tee. Afterward, he goes downstairs to explore the neighborhood further.

!!Narrator pov!!

 Felix notices Han running around the block and decides to follow him at a distance, curious about where he might end up. As they approach the park, Felix sneaks behind a tree so that he can watch Han without being seen.

He watches as Han stretches and catches his breath on the bench. He finds himself captivated by the sight of Han's muscles flexing under his skin as he moves. There's something incredibly attractive about seeing someone so physically fit and healthy.

After watching for a few minutes longer, Felix finally gathers up the courage to approach Han. "Hey there!" he calls out cheerfully, "Your first time at this park aswell?"

han nodded.

After many years , Han and felix started dating however Han had to go back to korea.
They're currently at the airport.

Felix feels a pang of sadness as he realizes that Han is leaving. He knows that their relationship has come to an end, but he can't help but feel grateful for the time they spent together. They've shared some truly special moments and memories that he will cherish forever.
At the airport, he wraps his arms around Han tightly, trying to hold onto every last second of intimacy and affection that they have left between them. He whispers into Han's ear, "Please take care of yourself, okay? And remember that no matter where you are, I'll always love you."
With tears in his eyes, Felix watches as Han disappears through security and onto the plane, leaving a piece of his heart behind with him.

Han turns around one last time before getting on the plane, giving felix a small smile and waving goodbye. He boards the plane and takes his seat, looking out the window as they prepare for takeoff. He thinks about felix and all the wonderful memories they shared together. Despite the distance between them, Han hopes that their bond will remain strong and that they can find a way to stay connected across continents..

As the plane begins to taxi down the runway, Felix breaks down in tears, unable to contain his emotions any longer. He knows that Han is flying halfway across the world and that their relationship is over. He also knows that there's nothing he can do to change that fact, except perhaps wait patiently for Han to return someday.
Despite the pain of losing someone he loved deeply, Felix clings onto the hope that Han will eventually come back to him. He sends one final text message to Han's phone, simply saying "Goodbye, my love" before deleting Han's contact information from his phone completely. With a heavy heart, he puts his headphones in and listens to music to try and distract himself from the emptiness he feels inside.

Han receives Felix's goodbye message while on the plane and feels a mixture of sadness and gratitude. He replies with a simple "goodbye" and sets his phone aside, focusing instead on the journey ahead of him. He reflects on the past few months he spent with Felix and how much they meant to him. Despite the distance between them now, Han knows that their bond cannot be broken easily, and that he will carry a piece of Felix with him wherever he goes.
As the plane takes off and ascends into the sky, Han looks out the window at the rapidly disappearing city below and wonders what the future holds in store for both of them. He vows to himself that he will never forget Felix and the love they shared, and that one day soon they may reunite once again. dear australlia.

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