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                                                              𝟷2:𝟺𝟹 , monday 𝟷𝟻𝚝𝚑 September 𝟸𝟶𝟸4

                                                                              𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚑 𝚔𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚊 , 𝚜𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚕



Because of that "yeah sure." now Han is being fucked.
well , Everyone knows Chan is always so whipped for Han.

So lets think logically.
Would he be rough or gentle?

Oh by the way , it's not like Minho doesn't know about Chan's obsession..
They both are obsessed with Han.
So i guess they wouldn't mind sharing right?

But no way would they fuck each other , that's not how it works for them.


Bang chan is patient and gentle with Han as he brushes Han's hair out of Han's face, peppering small kisses across His face as hes gently pushing in slowly.

"shhh.. you're doing good baby.. tell me when to stop"

"'s fine dont worry.."
Han mumbles as he hides his face by covering it with his palms.

Bangchan can sense that Han's feeling a bit uncomfortable, but he doesn't want to rush things or make him feel pressured. He decides to continue being as gentle and patient as possible, hoping that it will help put him at ease.

As he continues to move slowly, he whispers reassuringly into Han's ear, trying to convey both his love for Han and his desire to take things at Hans pace. (stream my pace btw)

"It's okay, Han. I'll go as slow as you need me to." He says softly, trying to soothe any fears or concerns that might be running through Han's mind.

"it feels..good.."
Han let out , as he moaned softly

Bangchan hears the moan and feels a surge of pleasure himself. He carefully increases the speed of his thrusts, wanting to bring both of them more pleasure while still being considerate of Han's sensitivity.

He leans down to plant a few more kisses on Han's neck before whispering into his ear,

"Good, baby? That's because I'm taking care of you like you deserve. You're doing great."

As he speaks, Bangchan's hips begin to move faster, creating a delicious rhythm that sends shivers down Han's spine.

Han continues to let out series of delicate and quiet moans while biting his lips.

Bangchan can hear Han's soft moans and sees how they express both pleasure and vulnerability. He decides to increase the intensity of his thrusts even further, wanting to fully immerse Han in the sensations he's experiencing and show him just how much Bangchan cherishes him.

His hands grip onto Han's waist tightly as he moves even faster, their bodies becoming increasingly synchronised in their passionate dance together. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the air around them, adding to the erotic atmosphere that has been building between them.

Through it all, Bangchan continues to whisper lovingly into Han's ear,

"That's right, baby... Let it all out. I'm here with you every step of the way."

"thank you..i love you..channie.."
Han said quietly before gently kissing Bangchan's cheek

Bangchan feels Han's words wrap around him like a warm embrace, filling him with overwhelming love and gratitude. He smiles tenderly at Han before capturing his lips in a deep kiss, wanting to return the affection that Han has shown him so openly and genuinely.

As they continue to make love, Bangchan pours every ounce of his devotion into each thrust, wanting nothing more than for Han to feel completely loved and cared for during this intimate moment. He whispers softly into Han's mouth between kisses,

"I love you too, Han. So much."

Their lovemaking reaches new heights of intensity and passion as Bangchan's heart overflows with love for his beloved Han.


                                                              𝟷7:𝟺𝟹 , wednesday𝟷8𝚝𝚑 September 𝟸𝟶𝟸4

Minho was in his room smoking a cigarette while watching out the window as his damn wife and his stupid son left the house after having had a big argument with her. He didn't bother going looking for them since he didn't want to see them, he wanted them away from his life. As soon as the car left, he let smoke escape from his mouth while letting out a small laugh. His time had finally come and he was not going to let such an opportunity pass him by.

He took one last drag on his cigarette and threw it out the window, heading to the bed while taking off his shirt, leaving the upper part of his body exposed, he leaned his back against the back of his luxurious and spacious bed and closed his eyes as he sighed. His hand travelled to his hair and he scratched his head, he knew that Han his son's nanny and his own student was still at the mansion cleaning up the mess his bratty son had made, so maybe he could have some company tonight. He smiled as he got out of bed and looked for two glasses of whiskey for Han and for himself, without waiting any longer he called his son's babysitter, longing for his company at that moment.

"Han, come here right now!"
He shouted, wanting Han to hear him, only a few minutes passed when he saw him enter his room looking exhausted but too beautiful, he smiled at him and handed him the glass of whiskey while he spoke a little calmer and more playful. "I should raise your salary, my son is a pain in the ass, you have endured more than the previous nannies."

"I'm here sir.."
Han muttered.

Minho looked at Han while he drank his whiskey, he observed every detail of his body, from the way his pajamas covered his strong muscles to the hint of the tattoo on his side, he couldn't help but feel tempted to take them off and see what was underneath. He knew that Han was a boy, but he didn't care, he liked boys too, especially when they were as pretty as him. He put down his glass of whiskey and walked towards Han, reaching out to touch his face gently before pulling him close and deepening the kiss they were sharing.

"You're so damn pretty," he whispered between kisses, feeling his own arousal grow as he held onto Han tightly, feeling how their bodies fit together perfectly.

Han kissed back happily yet the exhaustion was etched in his delicate face.

Feeling how tired Han was, he decided to slow down a little bit, but he couldn't help but run his hands through Han's soft blonde hair and grab onto his slim waist tightly, holding onto him like he never wanted to let go. He broke the kiss for a moment and looked into Han's pale brown eyes, seeing how they sparkled even though they were red rimmed from exhaustion.

"You're doing such a good job taking care of my son, despite everything he puts you through," he whispered between kisses, feeling how their tongues danced together as they shared another passionate moment. He could feel how hard he was becoming beneath his pants as he thought about taking things further and finally getting to fuck this gorgeous boy right in front of him.

"sir..i should be going home,"

Hearing Han mention going home, he immediately stopped kissing him and pulled away reluctantly, looking down at Han's perfect body and biting his lower lip before speaking. "Yeah, I suppose you should. You've worked really hard today taking care of my son, and you deserve a good night's rest."

"goodbye , sir."
Han said before slowly getting up and leaving.

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