Help just him - minsung

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𝟷3:32 , Wednesday 𝟷st Janurary 𝟸𝟶𝟸5
𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚑 𝚔𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚊 , 𝚜𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚕

han pov!

Minho is your dance teacher and literature teacher at your school, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday you go to his classes, he is quite strict and serious, but at the same time he always helps you if you don't understand something and he has a good sense of humor.

you were his most favorite student, you dance the very well, you are never late for training, you help your comrades and even performed very good and worthy dances for introductions several times.

recently you had a performance and you are very tired, sitting in the dressing room and changing clothes, you are already standing in your pyjamas and starting to button up your shirt, when you hear a knock on the door "hey...we need to talk" it was Minho.


"hm..yes sir?"
Han said while wearing my blue pyjamas

He walked into the dressing room, not really knowing what to expect. He saw Han sitting there in his blue pyjamas, looking up at him with those beautiful brown eyes.

"Hey Han," he said softly, trying to keep his voice calm and controlled. He knew how vulnerable Han looked right now, wearing nothing but his baggy pyjamas. "Can I come in?"

When Han didn't respond immediately, Minho stepped closer and reached out to touch one of Han's smooth shoulders gently. "You look exhausted," he murmured. "Maybe we should talk in bed."

Without waiting for an answer, Minho lay down on one of the mattresses nearby and beckoned for Han to join him. "Come here," 

He nodded and sat beside him on the mattress.

Han sat down beside him, feeling both nervous and comforted by Minho's presence. 

As Han sat down beside him, Minho wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him close, feeling the warmth of their bodies together. He could feel Han's muscles tense up slightly as if he wasn't used to such intimate contact, but Minho tried to reassure him with a gentle smile.

Despite everything that had happened between them earlier - all the secrets, lies, and betrayal - Han still trusted Minho implicitly. 

And as they talked, their bodies gradually started to intertwine, each seeking the comfort and reassurance only the other could provide.

As Han snuggled deeper into Minho's embrace, minho felt himself growing increasingly aroused despite being fully clothed.

"Thanks for letting me hold you like this," he whispered into Han's ear, nuzzling it gently with his nose. "You have no idea how much I want to hold you all the time."

Underneath the sheet covering them both, Minho's hand began to explore Han's chest and stomach, feeling the firmness of his abs and the delicate curve of his hip bones.

Han felt a bit nervous being so close to minho but he also felt a bit of comfort from his arm around hans waist and the fact that he wanted to hug him like this for so long.

Han let out a small breath of air and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again
"hyung..i need a break from school."

Minho smiled down at Han, feeling his heartbeat speed up slightly against Han's chest as he spoke. "A break? You need a break? Of course, you do. You've been working so hard lately, it's no wonder you're feeling overwhelmed."

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